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pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

why would anyone consent to watching a pit bull in their home for sombbody?  I would never let that dog in my house.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

My niece who was a vet tech was nearly pulled apart by a pit bull who had been living at the vets office. Everyone had been around this dog for a year. Then one day he must of snapped or something . She was violently attacked! Needless to say she's not a vet tech anymore. She loved her job but now suffers from ptsd. And yet our neighbor has a pit bull who is a sweetheart. 

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

I know a lot of people who have pit bulls.  I know someone who fosters pit bulls.


There are organizations specifically to help pit bulls.  They are like any other animal.  If they've been abused or mistreated, that's what they know.


I know all about the reputations of pit bulls.  I have only had cats but my daughter's best friend has several pit bulls and fosters them.  


My friends I went to school with have (each) 2 pit bulls.  They take them to obedience school, etc.


They've had lots of dogs and other animals.  There's never been a problem with any of them.


I don't know this situation.  We all only know what we read.  


I'm just here to give another side of pit bulls and what I've observed.  They've brought the dogs to my house (visiting and staying).  There has never been a problem.  Like I said, I have 2 cats.  They stay away from all dogs (even the tiny minitures that have come here).


All of that said, I would never bring a strange dog in my house to be around a young person without supervision.  Any dog can attack a person if it feels threatened.


My daughter adopted a lab.  It was the meanest dog.  Labs have a reputation for being fun loving and smart, etc.  She hired a trainer and just about everything under the sun (I know because I paid for all of it).


The dog constantly bit her and the trainer.  She finally had to return the dog to the place she adopted it from.  It was terribly tramatic for my daughter.  


About 1 year later she adopted another dog from a shelter (a mut that looks a little like a greyhound in the back).  This dog is amazing!


Animals have personalities just like everything else.


I have a cat that hates me and everyone.  In 7 years I've never been able to get close to her.  I just about have to toss the food to her every time I feed her.  My family (again, in 7 years) has never seen the cat except in pictures.


I know no one else would take her, so she lives with me.


Again, I have no idea about this dog.  I'm just saying not all pit bulls are viscious.


"Remember the past
Once upon a time, pit bulls were the preferred nanny dog, and they were often left in the care of young children. One of the most famous pit bulls early in the last century was Petey, the dog who starred in a long series of “Little Rascals” films opposite children. There have been a number of famous pit bulls, and they are still one of the top ten most popular breeds in the U.S.

This all started to change only fairly recently, and pit bulls didn’t get a bad rap until they became the guard dog of choice for drug dealers at the same time that dog fighting re-emerged, in the mid-1980s. And they were not the first, or only, breed to ever become subject to blanket bans. At various times, German shepherds and Rottweilers were the most likely breeds to be outlawed.

Just this history alone should be strong evidence that it’s not the breed that’s the problem; it’s how they’re treated by the humans who are responsible for them."


Again, I'm not saying everyone needs to go out and bring home a pit bull.  I'm saying I've (many times) seen the other side of pit bulls.


It's like anything else, you need to know who you invite into your home and always keep an eye on whomever or whatever 'it' is.


My cat clawed my grandson when he was visiting.  My grandson was getting right in the cat's face.  Before I could tell him to 'back away' Bill had swatted him.  The kid has 2 male cats of his own.  He knows better but the little boy is only 7 years old.  My daughter said he's been swatted at by his cats and he should know better.  Five minutes later he was petting Bill but not putting his face up in Bill's face.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

Been awhile since we've had a 'Pitbull=Evil' discussion.

Thought by now people understood it's not the breed....🤷‍♀️

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

Any big dog is a least a small dog can be easily stopped by most people.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

Yes, I was originally against pit bulls (have never met one) because of the publicity.  And I understand they have a a jaw structure (or whatever) that aids in making them "fighting dogs".  But soooo much depends on the owners.


I would NOT be inclined to have a pit bull around young children or anyone for that matter unless I raised it from a puppy or had a FULL history.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

I am so dismayed when people start attacking pitbulls. I have had two and neither were mean. I walked them daily and socialized them. They were very smart and sweet natured. If you ever get a chance to watch Pit bulls and Parolees this might give you an insight into their behavior. 


if you abuse them, they will become aggressive but that is true with any dog. Too many haters about this breed and it is sad. I only hope we can judge them individually and not lump all of them together.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

[ Edited ]

@newname0 I pity your narrow minded thoughts.


If you get Animal Planet, watch the show Pit Bulls and Parolees.


This group has rescued these dogs for many years. Most are adoptable, some are not. Those who are not have a permanent home with this organization.


If you could see how brutally some dogs are abused you might have a better understanding of this group.


It will actually educate you as to the wonderful potential of many (not all) of this breed of dog.


Just a suggestion, but I have a feeling your mind is made up.

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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

My niece has a pitt bull who is a love bug.  He is the sweetest dog.


But, I still don't trust the breed.  They used to be all lovable dogs, until they were bred incorrectly.  It  was never okay to breed two aggressive dogs, but that is what happened.


The criminals bred the dogs to be vicious to protect their property and drugs.  Now there are generations of mean pitt bulls out there.  It has nothing to do with abuse or how they were raised, it has to do with how they were bred.


This breed like many others will chase and kill smaller dogs and cats and whatever.  Even those who are great around people, tend to chase and kill other smaller animals.  This is no different than a cat who kills birds and mice.


I would never allow a young child to be unsupervised around a large dog or any dog for that matter.  It isn't safe.


it is a big responsibility to dog sit for someone.  I wouldn't do it unless I personally knew and trusted the dog...and never around children.



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Re: pit bull attacks 4 year old boy in Detroit

The best article i have ever read was about a woman who owned a pitbull with her family and said they had the dog for a number of years and  he was the nicest, gentlest dog.....and then she said "until he wasn't".....the dog attacked......................a neighbor i had rescued a pitbull mix and claimed the same thing for 3 years....until the dog attacked his wife..........................there is a REASON pittbulls are banned in many countries....they have seen the light...unfortunately the US hasn't followed their lead.....and many people will suffer because of it.....

We had neighbors a few years back behind us that moved in with 3 large dogs...a collie a lab and a pitbull.  We couldn't go in our backyard with the pitbull trying to jump the fence and growling at us the WHOLE time.......the pitbull actually was hit by a car when he spotted a woman doing her daily walk across the street from his house and he managed to charge and get through the driveway gate and LUCKILY for that woman a car was coming down the road at the same time......I thanked God for watching over her that day.....................


Pit Bulls are banned in 12 countries around the world: New Zealand, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, France, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Norway, and the U. S. territory of Puerto Rico. The lack of U. S. government's concern regarding the danger of pit bull breeds is disheartening and disturbing.