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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!


wouldn't you have all of July and most of Aug. yet? be more then 4 wks.

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

@SharkE wrote:


wouldn't you have all of July and most of Aug. yet? be more then 4 wks.


Let's see:

June 29-July3

July 6-10

July 13-17

July 20-24


I return on July 27th for preplanning and the kiddos come Monday, August 3rd.  We're on "balanced calendar" where we start early and then have a break every 6-9 weeks.

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

@loveschocolate wrote:
Panda, I LOVE your grandmothers quote!

Thanks!  She had so many of those.  I so wish I would have written them down while she was still with us!Cat Very Happy

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!



I'm baccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !   Tiger got me ! LOL

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

Beautiful photos!  You must have tasted "yummy" because that tiger sure looks content!Cat LOL  Seriously, hope you had a good time! 

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

Adam's secret out Tues.



In a car, Marco learns Marisa kissed Jack. She asks how he pulled this off; switching with Jack on his wedding night and deceiving his loved ones. Marisa realizes he's taking her somewhere to kill her and tries to talk him out of it. He says Jack can't survive either. She grabs the steering wheel and they swerve.



Genoa City Spoilers for Tomorrow on The Young and the Restless:

Noah asks a wet and disheveled Marisa, "Are you okay?"

Billy tells Victoria, I set up Victor for embezzlement."

Jack says, "You've been lying about who you are." Paul turns to look at Adam and Chelsea as Phyllis asks, "What are you talking about?" Jack says, "He's Adam Newman." Chelsea spins to face Adam.

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

[ Edited ]
Marco tells her to get ready they are leaving. Marisa wants to check on Jack. He says he is happy to leave because these people are scum will stab you in the back. Later in the car Marco confirms he switched with Jack on his wedding night. Marisa asks how Phyllis did not notice he was a fake and he says that is how good he is. Marisa notices they are not going to the airport and says he is taking her somewhere to kill her. She tells him killing her will not hide the truth because Jack knows the truth. Marco says Jack won’t live to tell the truth. She grabs the wheel and runs their car off the road.
Sharon is at CL and after reading about taking medication during pregnancy she throws her pills into the garbage.
 Jack wakes up and says to Gabe in front of everyone: "You've been lying about who you are." Paul turns to look at Adam and Chelsea as Phyllis asks, "What are you talking about?" Jack says, "He's Adam Newman." Chelsea spins to face Adam.
Monday 7/6
Victor asks Nick to step up for the family.
Ashley receives disturbing news!
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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

We knew this one was coming with Sharon....IF indeed she is pregnant!
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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

I was trying to find my post about sharon making a confession to Dylan and can't find it. LOL I went back to the 22nd thread couldn't find it, but, I was thinking I posted that and put "uh huh" behind it indicating I knew all along she was lying.


that psycho path off her pills is one scary thought you know how she goes manic and starts flipping out, acting impulsive, and just acts like she's out of control, etc.   Something will be burned, tore up, somebody will suffer a awful fate at the hands of her.  Nick, better have his radar turned on.

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

Here it is, it's tomorrow




Tue 6/30
Marco tells Marisa to go ahead and shoot him; Nikki confides in Neil, who wants her to tell Paul what she knows; Sharon makes a confession to Dylan.