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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

I am willing to bet she's not pregnant. And now she threw her meds out. Should be interesting to see what sort of cray, cray is coming!
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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

So nobody thinks Sharon is pregnant....she's a fruitcake with or without the meds to put Dylan through something like this yet again.  I hope he's smarter and wiser this time around and doesn't fall for her nonsense I don't see Dylan and Sharon as a long lasting couple.

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

Victor confesses:



At the station, Victor secures immunity for Victoria before admitting on the record that he shot Jack Abbott in self-defense. He gives a full statement. Paul says there's one problem - Jack was not in possession of a firearm when he shot him. Elsewhere, Abby and Victoria debate about the situation. Victor emerges from Paul's office in handcuffs and says he confessed. Victoria reassures Abby that their father knows what he's doing. Later, Victor watches fireworks out the window.

At the hospital, Paul tells Phyllis that Victor confessed and has been arrested; he said it was self-defense. Jack's machine goes off. Phyllis is certain Jack is trying to tell them Victor's lying.

Lily makes a big deal about forgiving Devon.

Ashley still has the hots for Ben.

Poor baby Noah has got Marisa a room now at the swank G City motel. She will eat him for breakfast. People waiting in bars can afford those rooms you know. LOL Give me a break. She would be at Motel 6



Sharon encounters Joe in the park. "Stay back, I mean it. One more step and you're getting a face full of mace!"

Neil tells Adam he's not waiting around for a life-preserver to save his butt. "I quit."

Lily asks Avery, "Paul knows I cheated on Cane? Why would you tell him that?"


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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

I think I've mentioned this before, but I bet they're saving a lot of money by not showing things happening on screen & just setting it up thru the dialogue.  Like when they were looking at the surveilance footage of Jack & Fack walking by the coffee shop 4 minutes apart, all we see is Kevin, Dylan & I forgot who else all looking at a laptop & describing what's going on.  In the good old days, we viewers would see what they''re looking at & not just have to look at their faces.  The production values have really fallen & it seems like they're just doing it on the cheap & dirty these days, which is sad.

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Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

Your right ! I also like the outside exterior shots of the ranch, etc. Makes it seem more realistic. LOL


I got a kick out of homely Mariah saying yesterday she wants Marisa to share her tips with the girls. P on you I'd say. Marisa doesn't have to be penalized because she 's not horsey looking that's your problem. LOL   No way she could be Sharon's kid. She's just homely.


Poor Noah is gonna get his heart broke yet again. That firecracker is gonna use him and dump him .



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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

Note to Victor,

don't drop the soap.................





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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

I had heard some rumors that Marissa might turn out to the daughter of Victor & that Latina woman he had a romance with in the NM desert years ago when they thought he was dead, but then, I heard, not.  Especially if they plan on pairing her with Noah.


I also heard Adam will be revealed on the 13th.  I wonder if we've seen the last of Marco, or he will pop up again to cause more trouble?

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Posts: 37,145
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Y&R WK June 29 Spoilers!

I've read where he won't be outed till Sept. LOL


I don't believe half of what I read and none of what I'm told. What happens , happens.


I'm getting tired of reporting some rumor only to find out that it was a dream or wishful thinking makes me look foolish. Makes me mad.LOL

Actors sit and stare into space and then we have a scene that's a big scoop . We go WOW !!!!!!! then, the actor shakes his head when somebody hollers his name just to find out he's been on planet Mars and daydreaming again.


another Bobby Ewing bad dream. LOL


Bet Noah is glad they found him a gal that is shorter then him. ROFL