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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

There's an unreliable site who copied that as a rumor from somewhere else --
without realizing that it was originally posted as a prank.

It's NOT happening.

Sheila is NOT coming back.

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

So Sheila is not coming back but looney toons Patty is???? Ugh!!!

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

I know nothing is impossible on the soaps, but,if I recall correctly Lauren popped a cap or 2 into Sheila and went to the funeral home to confirm for herself she was dead as a door nail. Idiot Patty was just shut away in a home for the insane and that always leaves the door open for future trouble.


Today, at the end of the show gave me the creeps . You know how it is in a movie when the victim suddenly realizes who she is talking to is not who she thought he/she really is ? Phyllis, threw out the chance for 'Jack' to confirm who he was by their agreed upon secret word. Marco, failed, then, the creepy feeling crept over her you could see it in her eyes the realization was dawning on her that this man wasn't Jack.


Somebody could had dropped ice water on me and I wouldn't had felt it hhahaahha I was so wrapped up in the moment. LOL


Great scene !



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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!





At the Abbott house, Phyllis realizes that the man in the house is Marco. He wants to get some candles and says he knows how they can pass the time. She says, "You stay the hell away from me Marco." He wonders if they're role-playing. Phyllis says he makes her physically ill. Marco reminds her she enjoyed her time with him. He laughs when she calls him a drug dealer and a punk who did Victor's bidding. Marco thinks she's upset because she enjoyed it so much. They struggle and Phyllis knocks him out. Phyllis calls Jack and fills him in. "Come home, now."
At the Abbott house, Phyllis steps away from Marco's body and when she looks again, he's gone. Jack arrives and Phyllis shows him his blood. Jack wants her to lock herself in the car. Phyllis hollers into the dark that she'll find him if he's still there. She warns he wants Jack's life back. They bicker about whether to tell the police. Jack says to leave Marco to him and Victor. Phyllis questions trusting Victor. Jack calls Victor and tells him Marco got away with a head wound. After, Phyllis asks Jack what their next move is, but Jack has no idea what Marco will do next. Phyllis says she knows the fake Jack Abbott but not the real Marco - Marisa does. She urges Jack to visit her as Marco. Jack doesn't want to trick her. Phyllis wonders why he's so quick to defend her.
At the Abbott cabin, Marco chuckles and phones someone. He says things didn't go as planned and he'll need their help again.
other stuff is Marisa and Noah don't care if the hotel is in turmoil or not. They're just hungry after all their 'exercise'.  Neil and Hiliary trapped in elevator, no power, no lights. Nicki, is called upon to keep the people calm.



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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Linsey Godfrey (Caroline, B&B) and Robert Adamson (Noah, Y&R), parents to daughter, Aleda, 1, have split. "Actress Linsey Godfreyand her fiancé, actor Robert Adamson, have made the difficult decision to call off their engagement and separate,” a B&B spokesperson confirms. "They will always remain connected as they are committed to co-parenting their daughter Aleda in a loving and amicable environment and her needs will always be their common priority. They thank their fans for their support and ask that their privacy regarding this matter be respected."

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS! Nikki "taking one down and passing it around" to keep others calm?  She doesn't exactly scream emotionally stable enough to lean upon in times of crisis!Cat Frustrated

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Guess since she is the Grande dame of the town, plus, is used to doing charity events, etc. she would know how to restore the peace. LOL Ol Vic could just holler "drinks on the house" and that would calm them all down.


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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Shoot ! anybody else feel cheated about snark Faith? She was all happy when she saw Sage had a engagement ring on and jumped for joy !  I thought she was gonna have a hissy fit she's all down with it. Not the reception Avery got.

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

@SharkE wrote:

Shoot ! anybody else feel cheated about snark Faith? She was all happy when she saw Sage had a engagement ring on and jumped for joy !  I thought she was gonna have a hissy fit she's all down with it. Not the reception Avery got.

Yeah, Avery would be so jealous!  When she was engaged to Nick, Faith snarked at her constantly!  Two "baby brothers/sisters" or one of each on the way (IF Sharon is indeed preggers) tempered her attitude.  Plus, I guess she is getting a little older now.  Probably won't be too long before she is "grown"!  Class of 2016, maybe?Cat LOL

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Dylan sure told off Sharon with quit worrying what Sage and Nick does. He was justified in that. Marco will kill Marisa I still predict that.