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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

Bela & Vamp



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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

Monday, July 13
Phyllis wonders if Marisa knows Jack; Michael questions Sage about Gabriel Bingham; Chelsea drops her glass when she overhears Gabe toasting to himself, "Adam Newman"; Noah finds Marisa in a towel; Avery pulls a gun on Joe; Paul and Dylan arrive at Joe's room and tell Avery they found her rapist and it's not Joe.

Tuesday, July 14
Phyllis wants the truth from Victor; Dylan doesn't want Paul to arrest Avery; Cane confronts Joe about sleeping with Lily; Adam confesses to Chelsea.

Wednesday, July 15
Ashley and Phyllis work together to take Victor down; Sage's life with Nick is at risk; Victoria clashes with Billy.

Thursday, July 16
Nikki wants the truth about Jack's shooting; Summer asks Noah about his relationship with and Marisa.

Friday, July 17
Devon and Hilary plan for the future; Avery makes a decision; Michael tries to broker peace with Cane and Lily.

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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

Neil needs to let his desire for revenge on Devon and Hilary go worry about cleaning up "his own house"!

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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

he  needs to press charges against Victor too. Victor , had no reason to punch him like that. Neil has been there for Nicki when he's been to busy chasing and scheming against other people. Totally uncalled for.

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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

I agree.  Neil should press charges against Victor.  Guess he thinks Nikki will be mad at him if he does.

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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

Nicki is dumber then a box of rocks. Her brain is alcohol soaked. Dr. told her she's killing herself. If that don't give you the 911 call don't know what will.

Victor, needs to dry his croc tears and be thankful the old lush is wanting to leave him. LOL

Those 2 are dysfunctional             .1#po.gif

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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

@SharkE wrote:

I want to see Cane give Joe a a*s whipping. ROFL

Joe, is about as popular as a t*rd in the punch bowl.

Best leave town my Dracula friend.



Nawwww...  I don't want to see Cane give Joe a whipping... Not even sure he could...  I just want to see Cane walk and keep on walking away from that little witch, Lily...  It's worth it to see her get her just desserts...  I'm no fan of Joe's and don't see where he has much story without Avery, unless they hook him up with the witch in a more permanent way, but Lily earned this and I want to see Miss High and Mighty take the walk of shame...


And back to my boy Austin for a minute, I think his fate is just further indication that the writers are making it up as they go along...  When he was first 'killed' there was a fair amount of stuff on social media that we'd still see a lot of him... that he wasn't really dead and so on...  Well, we saw him in a few flashbacks and that was about it...  Clearly, the esteemed... writing staff opted to go in a different direction...  And still, half a year later... we don't know 'whodunit' and we still don't know who took out Billy's kid...  And I imagine they'll leave the door open for a Jack II return forever as well...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

I could beat up Joe LOL He's everybody's punching bag. Lily gave it up to him whole heartily jumped on him like a skunk if she'd been my size she would had knocked him on the floor ! ROFL

Fine way to treat a friend 'do' his wife. LOL 

Cane, needs to open up a can of whup a*s.



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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

Dracula needs to take Vamp and slink on out of town.  Guess for Nikki, it's a good thing she didn't marry Paul.  His salary would barely buy her a "store brand" bottle of booze!Cat LOL

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Re: Y&R Group Wk July 13th Spoilers!

I'm a ex fatty and I don't buy bags of candy and hang out at the bakery why she goes where there's booze all around and then sit there and look at the bottles like a dog after a bone is anybody's guess. I know there's booze all around, but, if you don't have a backbone then just go places where the temptation isn't around like coffee house, McD's LOL


In real life by this time she would be already in bad shape anyway. If she's not ever going to cut her hair she should keep in pony tail she looks nicer with it pulled back off her face.