Posts: 33
Registered: ‎12-08-2018

Re: What do you do for your pets dry skin?

My dog did not like the taste of olive oil so vet switched me to safflower oil. Using an evo spray bottle so is spread over the food better so no globs of oil.  I don't use wen but he makes a hair oil, the tea tree or the pomegranate or just Argan oil. , put some in with shampoo. And put a couple drops in bowl of water and use as final rinse. Seems to help mine with his itch.

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Re: What do you do for your pets dry skin?

Thank you all again.  We've ordered from Amazon and the fish oil pill should arrive tomorrow or the next day.  Called the vets office and they stock the stuff, but only had a supply in for the cats.  So we got it at Amazon  Now to get it down her.  LOL

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Re: What do you do for your pets dry skin?

@qualitygal   I'm glad you were able to order it.  I just put the gelcap on top of my dog's food and she eats it.  I've given this to many of my dogs in the past, and that's how I've always done it.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: What do you do for your pets dry skin?

If you can't get her to take the pill, puncture it with a pin and squeeze it on her food.  Since your dog is so little the cat one might have done the trick.  Remember it won't stop the itching right away, it will take some time.

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Re: What do you do for your pets dry skin?

@NickNack  It came just a bit ago and I read up on it and I will put 1/2 of the pill on top of her food and mix it in.  Thanks again.


@m0rgan  I will, be patient then, and just kind of keep an eye on her and see how she does.  I am so grateful you all mentioned all this. 


It's like a mini-doctor visit, on here for recommendations.  I know the more serious things would go to the vet, but this I believe, may just do the trick.

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Re: What do you do for your pets dry skin?

Use PURE aloe vera as a leave in rinse.   It heals the sores caused by itching and stops the itch itself.   It looks messy but it absorbs into the skin right away and is safe for the dog to ingest through licking.   It works wonders.

I had an environmentally allergic dog and this worked wonders.  I bought Lily of the Desert whole leaf aloe vera at either a grocery or health store.   It was the onlt thing that stopped her itchies and she had beautiful skin.   Also, HA hyaluronic acid taken oralliy treats the skin, eyes, joints and all organs.  I swear by Free Me by or Just HA from Hyaflex for pets.