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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@TrafficDiva wrote:

Hello to all in Schmooville! I hope everyone - both human and furkids - are safe and well.


Our Vanilla-cat has given us quite a scare. She stopped eating a couple of weeks ago and was very unsteady on her feet. DH took her to our longtime vet who examined her and gave us upsetting news. One of Vanilla's kidneys is very enlarged. At 16 years old our vet said an ultrasound would be very stressful for a cat Vanilla's age. Her diagnosis was one of two things - either kidney failure or cancer.


We've been giving her prednisone every day, and the good news is that Vanilla has improved. Her appetite has returned and she has been actively moving about. We are concentrating on making her comfortable and making sure she keeps eating. Since DH is in and out of the house all day he gives her a little dry food throughout the day in addition to what she gets morning and night. So for now she is stable.


I love seeing how busy Frankie is - after all, there is territory to guard. I hope her medication is helping her give any intruders what-for.


Take care everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!


Love, TrafficDiva



Sending your beloved Vanilla tons

of strong healing prayers,positive

energy and love filled comfort hugs.





All of my children have paws  =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Thanks as always for the continued Miss Frankie updates.  We'll need to see what your Most Excellent Vet has up his sleeves for her care.  If anyone can perform miracles, it's him (& of course you & DH.)  Good luck to him during his continued healing process.  I have a feeling he'll be up & running sooner than what's normal for that injury.  He just seems like a very determined person.


Sweet Frankie:  glad your health is back on track.  Good girl for keeping up your inner strength with all of your up/downs.  So please tell us, when does your neighbor get your approval to work on her lawn without annoying you?

Maybe if your purr nicely, she'll understand she has your approval then  Cat Wink  I'm sure she'd appreciate it.  Wishing you calm & peaceful dreams thru the weekend Precious Little Angel Girl.  Enjoy your play times with your Dad.  My 2 girls & I are sending you more comfort (((hugs))).

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



Good morning Schmoosters! Vanilla, DH and I want to thank everyone for your prayers and positive vibes. They are helping and it means so much. She is stable and taking her medicine like a trooper.


This is a photo of Vanilla taken a couple of years ago. She is doing her Snoopy vulture imitation.


Love, TrafficDiva

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Posts: 8,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@TrafficDiva wrote:



Good morning Schmoosters! Vanilla, DH and I want to thank everyone for your prayers and positive vibes. They are helping and it means so much. She is stable and taking her medicine like a trooper.


This is a photo of Vanilla taken a couple of years ago. She is doing her Snoopy vulture imitation.


Love, TrafficDiva




Thank mew for the update.Sending

lots of kisses for you to plant on

Vanilla's beautiful face.





All of my children have paws   =^..^=

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:   Greetings to all Schmoosters!


We hope that Vanilla, of @TrafficDiva fame, is on a steady path and feeling OK. She's a beautiful kitty.


Frankie's having some difficulty now that she's back down to her regular dose of prednisolone. From his convalescent bed, her most excellent vet has ordered a new approach to a med she's been on before, but given differently, to see if this helps.  He's always thinking, that one, and we appreciate it.


Her bigger problem is the motorcycles who zip up and down the main road outside of our neighborhood. They jangle her nerves when she's trying to enjoy her garden:


Frankie hawk eyes.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 ---those motorcyles need to slow it down, our Precious girl has an important job to do, and needs her peace and calm..

Have a good week ahead friends..

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sweetest Frankie:  I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather.  Hopefully, with your Most Excellent Vet & your loving Mom/Dad, they'll get it under control.  They're always on top of things concerning your health.


The motorcycles can  be a nuisance so I understand you getting flustered by them.  Especially while you're in a calm mood while watching your garden & critter friends.  I hope you can tune out the cycles so you can enjoy your peacefulness.  May pleasant & calming dreams keep you company tonight.  Remember, you're always loved. xoxoxoxo

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]




Frankie hawk eyes.jpg




While watching GMA earlier this morning

they were reporting on areas in the NE

that were affected by the insane storms

yesterday and showed the Gettysburg

Battlefield because it had been damaged

by the strong winds and the rain.Hopefully

it wasn't too severe.


The area where I live (Lower Hudson

River Valley in Southern NYS) was

also hit with those same storms last

night.There was damage and power

outages in some areas but thankfully

where I am escaped unscathed although

Olivia,Henry and Jack were not happy

campers with all of the noise that the

thunder and lightning made! Cat MadCat MadCat Mad


Sending more healing prayers and

positive energy to your precious girl

and hoping that she doesn't have to

deal with any motorcycles today!




All of my children have paws  =^..^=


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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@beastielove --So happy you faired the storms ok.  This has been a very interesting year weather wise for sure. Hoping Frankie wasnt bothered by all that has gone on.

Take good care friends.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Tuesday report:   Greetings to all Schmoosters after one h*ll of a storm last night and this morning!


@beastieloveWhole swaths of the battlefield are closed because of the severe tree damage.  It will take a while to get things right because the trees are blocking Park roads and we've got a driving rain still happening. I am glad the storms missed you and your kitty brood.


Frankie's power and cable went out yesterday at 5 p.m. and just came on this morning at 10 a.m.   The storm blew wind and rain so forcefully that the rain was horizontal.  It ripped our light fixture near the front door completely off, blew our trash cans to God knows where and felled a tree in our neighbor's yard that just missed our house. It was hot before the storm (95) with 70% humidity. Once the air conditioning was out, it began to get uncomfortable.


Miss Frankie stood steadfast against it all. She reminded us of Queen Elizabeth in a way, as if to say "Keep calm and carry on." We had flickering candles all over the house to at least keep some light going. We spent the evening reading and she set up operations under a walker leftover from my knee replacements that I keep handy to get in and out of the shower due to my bad ankle that also  needs replacing. It's her "fort." 


She's not in the mood for new photos, so I'll re-post one of our tough little lady, long may she reign:


Frankie pose on bed SZD.jpg