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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


I'm glad your home wasn't damaged badly.  Lucky miss with that tree!  I'm pretty sure the storm from Gulf (Claudia or Claudette I think?) area is the cause of the NE areas' storms.  We have rain happening now but not bad.  We've had high humidity & heat the past 3 days.  Yuck!


Sweet Frankie:  It's good you remained calm thru the storm.  You don't need anymore stress.  May the calmness you feel today see you through your sleep tonight.  Hopefully, tomorrow will greet you with bright sunshine & bring a smile to your face.  Wishing you peaceful & pleasant dreams tonight Sweet Little Angel Girl.  Heart



Glad to learn you & all in your kitty troop made it thru the storm fine.  Wishing you all a peaceful day. Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1- it sounds like you had one scary time during those storms yesterday. I'm so glad the Schmoo household is okay. We had a tree come down in our yard during a storm last year. By the grace of God it fell in between our and our neighbor's house. I saw it come down and it was frightening. I hope Frankie is feeling better and giving those motorcyclists what for for disturbing her peace.


@beastielove- I'm so glad you're safe after the storms. Our area got nothing - no rain, no thunder - nothing. But everything hit the fan north and east of us with a tornado warning in extreme northern NJ.  Being the brave soul that I am, I cowered in the bedroom with the blinds drawn and every light on - Vanilla at my side.


Vanilla is definitely responding to the prednisone. She's been eating a lot more and she looks like she filled out a bit much to our relief. She's now down to one dose of meds every other day.


I hope all others in the path of the storms weren't too badly affected. Stay safe everyone!


Love, TrafficDiva

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Murphy, Moxie, Vanilla close up 9-21-2017.jpg



Here is Vanilla with her children - Murphy (on the left), Moxie (in the back) and Vanilla (on the right). It's rare that I get all three together so the photo may be blurry. Sometimes I have to look at their collars to tell them apart.


Love, TrafficDiva

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


What an adorable kitty family you have.  Glad you got the 3 of them together & yet they stayed still for your special photo.  Hope you have many more happy & healthy years together with them.  You're a great & proud Mom!  Heart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Good afternoon Schmoo family, 


I want to wish you all a wonderful summer. I will be catching up on the last several days of posts here later today.


Our weather is already in the 100 range. We had 108 last week. 


I have opened up a new browser on my tablet, as the other one had become useless for the community. 


I hope to be more active here now. 


Sending virtual hugs. 




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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@TrafficDiva   So great that you got all three of them in the picture together!  They're. beautiful.  I would never be able to tell them apart.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Good afternoon Tissyanne & a very Happy & Safe Summer to you as well.  As usual, you're always so thoughtful to think of everyone else & I appreciate it.  Many areas are experiencing those high temps in the SW & parts of the Heartland.  Hope you cope ok with AC.  Take care.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:   Greetings all summer Schmoosters!   It's the season of clothes plastered to the body by the twin evil sisters of heat and humidity.


@TrafficDivaThat picture of Vanilla, Murphy and Moxie was adorable. Good thing you do have collars to tell them apart!


Frankie reports to everyone from her window station (yes, we open it even with the air conditioning on. She commands it from time to time). 


A gray field mouse romped into her garden--the infidel!--and she chattered at him for a good five minutes until he left. As you can see from the photo below, she puffed up her fur in an aggressive stance, the equivalent of a menacing "Private Property" sign. It took another couple of minutes for her fur to go back to normal.


She's a huntress, this one:


Frankie post mouse SZD.jpg

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@sceniccoast wrote:


Good afternoon Tissyanne & a very Happy & Safe Summer to you as well.  As usual, you're always so thoughtful to think of everyone else & I appreciate it.  Many areas are experiencing those high temps in the SW & parts of the Heartland.  Hope you cope ok with AC.  Take care.


@sceniccoast , 


Our AC runs from around noon until late evening with these temps. We are used to this, as West TX is very hot, and dry from June into late September.


This weekend promises a cool down for us, which I am looking forward to. 


Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you too. 

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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 , 


Sounds like you have been busy with your awesome outside job, and your time at your lovely home. 


I enjoy your daily happenings very much. Frankie always looks so contented, and sweet in her pictures. She is so loved. 


The storm sounds scary ! I am so glad the tree missed your house ! We have not had any bad storms here lately. Springtime is the worst here, with large hail at times. 


I hope you have a nice end to the week, and enjoy the weekend.