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@nougat wrote:



thanks for your story. that is so great you stepped in and helped this grateful dog!

I go to a 1 vet office, not a high tech group. my vet is still expensive though. He reminds me of an old fashioned counrty vet. not like the high tech ones.


the urine test is just a cushings marker test. the real cushings test is a 3 blood draw 4 hours apart each time and very expensive. thats the real test for cushings.


the specialist is for the Diabetes Insipidus possibility. its a very complicated and rare disease that even my vet doesnt deal with. so thats why a referral to a specialist is needed. and yes vets can be so expensive I often wonder how people even have pets!!


thank God you have the nice vet you do, wish more were like this!

 and what a great story!

Thank you and Good Luck

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Registered: ‎12-08-2010


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