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Oh, I would so love an animal lovers group hug !!! 🤗 


Those of us who have been blessed by an animal’s love make up a special, loving group.  I am so grateful to you and the many others who have reached out to me as I struggle to come to grips with life without my Spiker.


Thank you.


"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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@Drythe wrote:



Oh, I would so love an animal lovers group hug !!! 🤗 


Those of us who have been blessed by an animal’s love make up a special, loving group.  I am so grateful to you and the many others who have reached out to me as I struggle to come to grips with life without my Spiker.


Thank you.



What a great idea for a group hug.  I just lost my dog early this month and see her still around every corner and want to share my meals with her and think about getting home to her when I'm out.  All as it should be since they each fill such a large part of our hearts.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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@Drythe I just hugged you with my heart, did you feel it?

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I did!  Did you send the Blue Bird and the Humming Bird?  


I just saw one of each out my window!


Thank you so much for the hug, here's one for you.


"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Registered: ‎07-09-2011



Dear Friend,


I saw a brief mention you made of your loss, but not a post, was afraid to write, thinking you might not want to talk.


I understand, it is a loss the pain of which is just beyond words.


Between us, we know it is a paiin that never goes away, but it does get a bit lighter when the time is right, allowing one to recall the sweet memories with out tears.  I am waiting for that time, and hoping that it comes quickly to you.


In the firm belief that we will see our loved ones again I send 

Blessings to you and your Baby. 🌹Heart

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Dear @Drythe

You have the biggest heart.  


I wrote about my little one in "sad update on Cushing's dog" with a couple of pictures.  She was with me for 8 of her 16 years.  One thing I'm grateful for is that I could not have scripted a better day for her last one.  


On the other hand, I did think she'd be with me for maybe another 6 months to a year.  She was my best dog ever.  They are all nothing less than special, but I was especially close to this one.


I felt also very blessed to receive so many posts of condolence.  Aren't the posters here just the best?


Sorry to distract from dear Spike.  That wasn't my intention.  Hugs to you every day.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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From one cat lover to another, I feel your pain, and wish I could give you a big, warm hug.  Spike was, indeed, a beautiful, intelligent boy and you were fortunate to become his Mom.  I know the pain of saying goodbye to a beloved friend.  I still have the yellow satin ribbon from the bouquet my son and DIL sent when my Jasper crossed after a year-long illness.  It has been tied around the driver assist handle in my car for more than 10 years now.  I often feel it's softness while sitting at traffic lights or in slow traffic.  The softness reminds me of Jasper's beautiful coat (he was a Himalayan) and I feel connected to him.  And more than once, I've been able to quickly identify my car in a parking lot by looking for Jasper's ribbon.  So I feel he's still with me, and so is your Spike - they're always loving us and bringing us comfort and joy when we need it.  I have 2 other much-loved cats in my house now, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Jasper, who taught me how to love a cat.  Sending you loving, healing energy to get you through the difficult hours.  

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@DrytheWe had a snow storm pass through our area, I  just saw my first Robin on Friday, so I think it will be a while yet before the Humming birds get here, but as soon as they arrive be assured that I will have my nectar hanging outside of our kitchen window feed those beautiful birds.  Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

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So sorry...

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Will do! i kiss him many times a day!  yes strays ARE the most appreciative pets!

i rescued 2 dogs from puppymill horrors of abuse & neglect and they show their appreciation every day. Ive had them 13 & 14 yrs now and the vet guesses they are 17 yrs old now. they are starting to fail. oh i will need all this support when the time comes too! for they are our children! and so very LOVED!


Your pic of Spike looks like he is an angel in a cats body, you cant even tell where he ends and the sink begins. like he is angelic!  maybe a true angel sent just for you Heart