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I completely understand.

While I've had a few dogs in my time, my lab-mix is almost 13 & recently diagnosed with heart congestion.    The thought of him not in my life is almost unbearable.   He is amazing, huge heart.    Such a love bug, still tries to lie in my lap, all 100# of him!


He's currently taking meds for his heart & I have him on a diet to help take some weight off to help but I  know his days are numbered.


There will never be another Chopper, I tell him every day what a great dog he is.


@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

I included in a post on someone's thread a while back about my big guy's diagnosis of degenerative myelopathy.  He's my big baby, a great dane/lab/sheperd mix.  I was his third adopter, last chance after he had been horribly abused and neglected.  He has been by my side without fail since the day I rescued him 11 1/2 years ago.  The sweetest, goofiest big baby in the world.  My kids and grandkids tease that he's not a dog, but really a pony passing himself off as a dog.


We've been going to an alternative vet for accupuncture and supplement therapy to try to slow down the progression of this horrible disease.  I'm afraid it's really not working.  Maybe it is and he would be failing even faster without it, I don't know, I just know that every day I see him getting worse and it's breaking my heart.  I don't know what to do.  I don't know if I should continue the accupuncture treatments or stop them and just let this run it's course.  I'm so not ready to say goodbye.  He still acts like a pup even though his body is failing him.


I got a puppy months ago because I was afraid for my terrier.  She's been bonded to the big guy since we (she and I both rescued him) adopted him.  I was afraid losing him would kill her.  It took a couple of months, but both my terrier and my big guy finally accepted the pup and enjoy playing with him (most of the time anyway), so at least I think now she won't be as badly affected by losing our boy.  I on the other hand am losing it.  I watch them play and it makes me laugh and then I cry knowing he's going to be gone....


I'm trying to hold on to the mental image of my Dad and all my dogs and cats that have crossed the bridge over the years welcoming him and him being whole once more.  I just can't fathom not seeing him and feeling him here with me.



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@software - You said "The thought of him not in my life is almost unbearable.   He is amazing, huge heart."  


That's it exactly.  I'm sorry you're in the same boat as me.


I hug and kiss my Boomer all the time.  Easy to do with his head being at my waist lol.  I always said he was the perfect lazy persons dog because you don't have to bend over to pet him.  In fact, he'd pet himself if you just put your hand out.  They all take a piece of our heart when they leave us....this one is taking a huge hunk.


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Sending prayers for you and your big guy. 

Posts: 20
Registered: ‎01-28-2015

Your precious dog sounds AMAZING and you are a great Mom!!  I am hoping he will be doing better and as you know and have read from others, he is happy and having

a wonderful life.  Just love him as you always have - he feels it.  They somehow do

indeed choose us.

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@Buck-i-Nana I don't know much about the disease but I was just at my dog's PT and there was a dog with this disease. The dog is happy and sweet and alert and active except for the fact that he cannot use his back legs. Well, he can't walk on them, I should say. The owner carries the back legs around with a harness type thing while he walks with his front legs. The thing is, she brings him to swim in the pool for exercise and therapy and that darn dogs swims using his back legs! He can't use them when he is bearing weight but he can when swimming. They had given her pup 2-4 months and it has now been a year and he is doing great otherwise. So now she is buying him one of those carts that you attach to their back end so they can run and play and move around on their own. I know it is not for everyone but if a dog is happy, healthy otherwise and not in pain, why not? It is hard though, when their body gives out before their minds are ready. We give humans wheelchairs and walkers to help them move around. Just something to think about?


Anyway,again I really don't know all you are dealing with but have you thought about maybe therapy swim sessions so at least he can keep us his strength and muscle tone in the back end, if that is an issue? I know it won't fix the problem but can slow it down a bit.


I am sorry. I know how hard it is when our babies get older. I am dealing with two right now and one of them has weekness in his back legs too due to being Cushingnoid. The underwater treadmill therapy is helping though, thank God. He wouldn't even go on walks anymore but now he is running again, something he always loved to do. It is hard to even imagine my life without them.


Good luck to you and your boy. Thank you so much for taking him in and giving him a long and wonderful life after all he went through. Breaks my heart to hear about animals being abused by makes my heart swell when I hear of people rescuing them and loving them for the rest of their lives. I have a soft spot for those that rescue abused animals.

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@HappyDaze - I had him in water therapy for a while.  Unfortunately, he didn't do well with it, dragging his back legs even in the water.    It's not weakness, it's progressive paralysis.  The progression of the disease is back legs, then front legs, then organ failure.  I ordered a help-em-up harness with leash that will go over my shoulder.  Boomer weighs 100 pounds, so I don't know how long I'll be able to manage him as I have arthritis and shoulder issues.  At first I wasn't open to trying this but when my vet showed me the shoulder strap, we both felt it was worth a try when the time comes.


Right now, he's wearing out very quickly.  Another problem very evident with the water therapy.  As his back end drops and he can't manage the back leg at all you can see his whole demeaner change.  He does perk back up when I reassure him and help him up, but as this progresses that might change.  Regardless, it's more likely only a matter of months that I have left with him, but we'll make the most of it that's for sure.



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I posted about my Chopper in this thread last Thursday.

He crossed the rainbow bridge last night.


His human was my late husband and to think I was going to find a home for him when my husband passed!!!


First dog I ever loved.   RIP


Chopper was loyal & faithful until the end, passing away at my feet.

Last night I could swear I heard my late husband come get him........





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Re: Struggling with my boy

[ Edited ]

@software  I am so sorry for the loss of your Chopper.  He is with your husband now.



Too many pet losses on here........

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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@software  I'm so sorry you lost your dear Chopper.  I've lost several dogs to congestive heart failure and know what you're going through.  It's always so hard.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎09-28-2010

@software wrote:

I posted about my Chopper in this thread last Thursday.

He crossed the rainbow bridge last night.


His human was my late husband and to think I was going to find a home for him when my husband passed!!!


First dog I ever loved.   RIP


Chopper was loyal & faithful until the end, passing away at my feet.

Last night I could swear I heard my late husband come get him........





@software - Oh my, I am so so very sorry your Chopper has crossed the bridge.  I know how lost you are feeling right now.  I have no doubts that you did hear your hubby last night.  They are together again, you can take solace in that, but at this point in time it doesn't fill the void.  Take care friend.