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Thanks so much for the insight Moondance and everyone else!   Just exploring now..I lke to think that the spirit of my sweet Maine Coons will lead us to the right new kittens.  I was always a "dog person" and learned just how absolutely wonderful cats are too!  I guess a measure of love is the grief on teh loss....

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My main reason for never owning a cat has been that they climb on countertops and tables. Interesting that this one doesn't

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My Maine Coons never attempted to get up on my countertops or tables.  I think mostly due to size..Maine Coons are like Ragamuffins in size.  I highly recommend Maine Coons--sweet and loving cats.  They were the 1st cats I had and were perfect for a "dog person".  I unfortuantely had a bad and dishonest breeder so I ended up with 2 cats with health problems but the 5 years I had them were pure JOY.  If I had to do it all again--even knowing teh sad and shortened ending--I surely would.

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I have a ragamuffin girl. She is beautiful and sweet. She does go on the counters once and awhile, but hardly ever. I also lost three maine coon cats to heart failure. I know what you are going through. But ragamuffins can also have heart issues. I would recommend a ragamuffin, but all cats are sweet!  This is my beautiful Blossom......

tonys pictures 051.JPG

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Your cat is SO beautiful!!   I would love to hear your persepctive on the Ragamuffin vs the Maine Coon since you've had both.  My Maine Coons were not lap cats..but did want to be right beside and touching me.  They were paid back and totally sweet.  I was hoping the Ragamuffin would want to be a cuddler as well.  I'm in heaven with a cat sleeping next to me or on my lap.  Do the Ragamuffins talk the way the maine Coons do..the chirping and justt eh talking in general.  I swear I could have complete conversations with my girl.


Any advice or insight you can give me would be so greatly appreciated.


And finally, I am so osrry you lost your Maine Coons to heart disease too.  Our went instantaneously. One in last week..only 5 yrs old.  I creid a river of tears.  But if I had to do it all over again even knowing the sad ending..I would.  I loved those girls so much.

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The maine coons I had were super friendly and cuddlers. They were lap cats, everyone slept on the bed with us. Very dog like cats. Love them. Blossom my ragamuffin is very sweet, but she is a mama's girl, she does not really like my husband. She will jump on my lap, but she is not a lap cat. She does sleep with me, but not always. She is a weaver, what I mean by that she can weave between my legs when I walk and always has to be close. She has the cutest meow and makes cute noises. Her coat is thick, but easy to comb and brush, luckily she likes that. I can hold her, but not for long. Two of my maine coons love to be held, but one did not, but she was my nap kitty and she passed suddenly of heart failure at five years old. One passed at two years old of heart problems suddenly and a couple years ago our huge male passed suddenly of heart failure at 10 years old.

I do still have a maine coon, but everyday I worry the same thing is going to happen. I am sorry for your loss also, it is very hard. Maine coon's are special, but have health risks and I think their coats are harder to manage. Ragamuffins are sweet - oh and she does flop down and show her tummy alot! Cute. They both are great cats, but with what you have been through maybe you should consider a Ragamuffin. So far she has been extremely healthy. More than another other cat I have had. Good luck with your decision. Hope I was able to help.

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elvis lover,

You are a huge help!  Thank you so much!!   Oh it must have been heartbreaking to lose a Maine Coon at 2 yrs old!  I felt like ours were cheated out of a life at age 5.  I'll say prayers for your current MC that the heart issues never surface.   I agree, the Maine Coon coats are tough to deal with.  We brushed our girls but still had regualr mat issues to deal with.  One of ours would never sleep on the bed with us.  The other would always be right there.  I've read that the Maine Coons are slightly more independent vs Ragamuffins.


It does sound like a Ragamuffin would be right for us.  We are looking at getting 2--a brother and sister.  I know I just want a cat that is as sweet in disposition as our Maine Coons...having one that likes to sit with me and sleep with me would be icing on the cake.  And if they could both live to age 15+ that would be a real blessing.


Thanks SO SO much for giving me a 1st hand comparison.  I appreicate the time you took to do this!


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@srgtdj  While you are researching the breed of kitty you want to bring into your life, take a look at the Norwegian Forest Cat.  I have a rescue mixed Weegie and Maxwell Fergus is the most loyal, loving and "dog-like" cat I have ever had and I have taken in many rescues over the last 50+ years. He is a large cat, weighs close to 20 lbs. The only pure bred I had was a female Tonkinese who I rescued and gave  a home to at age 12 when her parent/owner moved into a senior facility that did not allow animals.  She was the sweetest, most loving little tiny girl and adapted to a new "mother" right away. She lived to be 16.

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I have had three Maine Coon mixes over the years.  I think you can avoid some of the health problems common to the breed when they are mixes.  One lived until 12, another until almost 17 and the third until 18.  Two of the three passed from kidney issues, which is not uncommon in older kitties. 

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Re: Ragamuffin cats

[ Edited ]

@ScarletDove wrote:

@srgtdj  While you are researching the breed of kitty you want to bring into your life, take a look at the Norwegian Forest Cat...


agree - and the Siberian