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The Budweiser brood has grown (thanks to @mustang66lady for the link):


Goodness those are gorgeous animals! . . . Heart

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@momtochloe  Thanks for posting that!  I so enjoyed the video, esp. showing the foal that had been in my all-time favorite Super Bowl Commercial  (where the horse runs down the street after its trainer at the end of the commerical, when the trainer thought the horse hadn't recognized him when watching the parade).   That alone was worth watching the video to see the foal all grown up.

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Oh you are most welcome @Pearlee as I just love those gentle giants and just the sight of them always manages to make me shed a few tears . . . Heart

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@momtochloe  I've seen them in person and they are huge horses!  Gorgeous too.

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@momtochloe I shed tears too when I see new babies, guess we just have big hearts that overflow with love in the forms of tears Woman Wink

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I've been to the St. Louis brewery on tour, and they take you to the building housing some of the horses.  In person, they are breathtaking.


I've also seen them as a team in person and it really does bring tears to your eyes.  Beautiful doesn't do them justice.


The foals are precious! 


I sure would love to tour that farm.

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@momtochloe, thank you for posting that.  They are so magnificent and sweet.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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They have the Clydesdales every year here at our State Fair, and once a day they are featured in the parade, they are beautiful animals, I have never seen any of the babies up close though, they are just too cute!



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Thanks,loved it.  So gorgeous.

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How wonderful!