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Jellybean also has an issue with hair balls and when I give her Laxatone it helps and also helps with constipation. She does have some arthritis and vet gave me Consequin which surprisingly I can put in her food. Problem is, it gives her I stopped that.

So as if today, she is going in the box and is regular! I think maybe the vet may try another med for her arthritis..

She was born with very very sensitive stomach and was going all over the house which is why her previous owner left her at animal rescue on Christmas Eve 10 years ago...but now she is treated like a everything is good!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Need cat owner advice

[ Edited ]



For arthritis, ask your vet about an injectable med called Solensia. It's once a month. It's been a game changer for our cat, who has many serious gut issues. When you said your cat had a sensitive stomach, I thought this may diarrhea, no stomach problems.


Just FYI, your kitty may have food intolerances...either to a specific protein (chicken, fish and beef are big problems) or to the fillers. Novel proteins like duck, rabbit, etc., were a game changer for our cat.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Sammycat1 wrote:



For arthritis, ask your vet about an injectable med called Solensia. It's once a month. It's been a game changer for our cat, who has many serious gut issues. When you said your cat had a sensitive stomach, I thought this may diarrhea, no stomach problems.


Just FYI, your kitty may have food intolerances...either to a specific protein (chicken, fish and beef are big problems) or to the fillers. Novel proteins like duck, rabbit, etc., were a game changer for our cat.

Some cat foods include pumpkin which firms their stool.   I include food with pumpkin in our cat's diet and her stools went from little to good sized formed stools.   When our 9 yr old rescue started to poop outside her box we changed her litter and all was OK.  She was quite obese and turning around was also a problem so she went over the side.   She has trimmed down nicely through diet and excersize.