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@wakefield64 wrote:

Just recently my 10 year old female cat is doing business in the box and outside it for some reason..I have cleaned boxes and changed litter, it was good for 2 to 3 days and now she is doing it again..Any thoughts? Seems like some sort of a statement, but not sure what.



@wakefield64    time to see your vet   as cats get older they tend to have bladder and kidney issues   our vet always checks their BUN and Creatinine numbers with these issues




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@wakefield64  - I agree with everyone else. Call your veterinarian ASAP. Let us know how she's doing. If it's not anything medical she could be upset about something that has changed in her home. But first - definitely get her checked out. DH (a veterinarian) isn't here right now, but I know this is what he would say. 

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When our cat did that it turned out she had a urinary tract infection. She was going #2 outside the box.


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You need to take your cat to the vet and have her checked out ASAP.

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Vets says she does not have an UTI which is good but she is not sure of her uneven behavior.. She said she may have been constipated in the box and associated that with pain and went on the floor.

I will see what happens.....thanks for your advice.

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@wakefield64 wrote:

Vets says she does not have an UTI which is good but she is not sure of her uneven behavior.. She said she may have been constipated in the box and associated that with pain and went on the floor.

I will see what happens.....thanks for your advice.

Thank you for coming back and giving us an update. Glad your kitty doesn't have a UTI.


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Re: Need cat owner advice

[ Edited ]

Did your vet give you anything to help with the constipation? Or perhaps check her for arthritis? Sometimes a lower sided box helps cats with both issues.

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Since you ruled out a UTI, and it sounds like your cat is pooping outside the box, my guess would be constipation.  If you feed a wet diet, you could add a little Miralax to the wet food.  It's tasteless.  I do that with my cat.  I did clear it with the vet.  

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@Icegoddess  Yep, I have also been told by my Vet to use miralax when needed, but only start out with a tiny bit once a day like 1/8 teaspoon give it time to work, and don't overdo it. Call your Vet, they will advise how much and how often with your particular cat based on their health and weight etc. Don't just guess.

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@wakefield64 wrote:

Vets says she does not have an UTI which is good but she is not sure of her uneven behavior.. She said she may have been constipated in the box and associated that with pain and went on the floor.

I will see what happens.....thanks for your advice.

@wakefield64,  since you used past tense in your post does this mean that the problem has resolved itself?  If not please follow through with finding the cause of the suspected constipation. 


You may need to add something like Miralax or a pre/probiotic to your cat's diet or perhaps even change her food.

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