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Just recently my 10 year old female cat is doing business in the box and outside it for some reason..I have cleaned boxes and changed litter, it was good for 2 to 3 days and now she is doing it again..Any thoughts? Seems like some sort of a statement, but not sure what.

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I would make sure she doesn't have any health issues first. Is she doing number 1 or number 2 out of the box?

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Time for a trip to the vet. She may have a UTI (incredibly painful--and they associate the pain with the box, hence peeing outside the box) or some form of constipation. Also can be arthritis.


Always rule out the medical first--cats hide pain extremely well!

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I agree--a vet visit to rule out any issues is the next step.  Extra cleaning was a good idea as well.


Good luck!!

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Re: Need cat owner advice

[ Edited ]

@wakefield64  This to me may show she has a UTI especially if she is frequenting the box more than usual. It's painful and can get worse if not addressed. They actually cause disoriantation in humans to it may be causing her confusion as well. Just a thought. I have had many cats in my lifetime and it is not all that uncommon, especially since cats are not big drinkers which is why I have used a pet water fountain for many years. This encourages them to drink more which is better for avoiding UTI's as well as kidney issues which is common in older cats. All that being said, I highly reccomend once a year "wellness exams" as most Vets call them. They will check all organs, some bloodwork, urinalysis, etc. it's like a yearly physical we would get. I have had many cats live into their 20's because of these exams. That and lots of love and good food too and occasional supervised outside time in the sun. You can head off alot of problems before they become serious or life threatning. Especially since your pet cannot tell you when they are sick or in pain. But either way, she is telling you something, and you should at least call your Vet and make a visit, don't wait for the problem to escalate.

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@wakefield64,  a vet visit sooner rather than later is definitely in order.


Along with the possibilities already listed the change could be associated with the formation of bladder stones or crystals.


You didn't indicate if your cat is pooping or peeing outside the box or if it alters.  What is being done outside the box would be important information for your vet.


Please let us know what you find out.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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My 17 year old cat who never had any accidents, did this.  Both urine and feces. And he seemed in distress, unable to jump up without falling. Only did it one evening and I rushed him to the vet the next morning.  Tests were done and there was no UTI.  He had diabetes and his blood sugar was over 550.  (This in cats is the same as in humans, so really high.)  I made the sad decision to put him down, as he would never have tolerated the daily blood testing and insulin shots needed to keep him alive. 


I hope that this is not the case with your kitty and that it is a UTI which is easily treated.


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@spumoni99 wrote:

I would make sure she doesn't have any health issues first. Is she doing number 1 or number 2 out of the box?

Thank you

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Thank you

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When is your kitty seeing the Vet?