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NO talk about the dog food problems

I am quite surprised there has been little talk of the fda  list of dog foods, i have been trying to learn all i can,very complicated,waiting to see if this gets figured out, changed foods weeks ago,very concerned,

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems



Would you please tell me what is going on the dog food list?


I haven't read about any recalls in my newspaper.

I feed my chi....Pedigree canned dog food...but nothing with chicken .



thank you

preds 06-21-20
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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

That list was very misleading.  Those were the top brands of dog food.  It never mentioned that it was only their grain-free foods that were a problem.  The other formulas are premium foods.

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

This isn’t a new discovery—it’s been known for a while, so people have already done a lot of their own research.  And this latest information was not only misleading but offers absolutely no conclusions, and if you dig deeper into a lot of what has been put out, you’ll find many conflicting opinions.



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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

I asked our vet when we took one of our GSD's last week for his annual.she was just back from a conference where they discussed this current study. Nothing defintie and really more questions about all ingrediants in the dog food. The printed information is misleading and doesn't give sufficient details. The opinion at that conference was grain or grain free was not bad for the dogs (excluding some other health issue). The same goes for the items that were listed in this current study. I've fed my dogs carrots, peas and potatoes for years. They all have been fine. Fish of any kind seems to remain consistently fine. I have severe allergies to the scent and item so Ive never fed my dogs this item. The term "by product" was discussed at length and the fact that the term is used without proper definition. Specifics need /should be listed as to what is defined as a by product. Not all of them are bad. There are some good byproducts but that's for another study. We mix up the flavors of the dry dog as well as the canned. Her opinion was that this was the best approach until more is determined. Her dog's food was also listed on the study and she said that she is still sticking with it.

I hope this helps. 

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

No one ever said carrots, peas, or potatoes are bad for dogs.


The point is that when legumes (such as pea protein) are used as a meat protein substitute, that is when dogs begin to suffer.


Most of these threads have had links to the Whole Dog Foods article concerning grain free foods and the brouhaha surrounding the subject. 

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

[ Edited ]

I don't think the fda data is misleading,  but what amongst other things i find  questionable,  is WSAVA, is saying what are some of the names we should be feeding,  also i fed acanna,  now have switched to a  food made in Italy, with grains, grain free became what most companies made, now trying to find a food with grains, no peas ,legumes is not easy.I have goldens ,they are at risk of dcm,more of this breed has been found to have it.Dr. stein from UCD, issued a statement ,a year and half ago ,about this.

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems



Have you looked into Dr. Gary’s Best Breed and/or Blackwood foods?  Both are made here in the U.S. by small companies.  They both have formulas with grains (no corn, wheat or soy) and no legumes.

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

@geezerette wrote:



Have you looked into Dr. Gary’s Best Breed and/or Blackwood foods?  Both are made here in the U.S. by small companies.  They both have formulas with grains (no corn, wheat or soy) and no legumes.

Yes, i have i like farmina.

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Re: NO talk about the dog food problems

FDA is getting a lot of flack for using names of products while not even being able to definitively link the heart condition to grain free food in general. 

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