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My parakeet Oliver died tonight

 He  was fine this morning. Tonight he could not stand or walk.  I have noticed he had issues  with his  corrdination ( like losing his balance) but thought nothing of it. I thought he had heat stroke but the other birds had no problems.  He fell off his perch and could not get back up. The other birds started to attack him. I made the decision to put him down myself. He would have died from the attacks  before i could get him to a vet I did not want to see him suffer.


Here is a video in his memory. He was such a sweet sweet animal.


He is the one in green. He is now over the rainbow bridge

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

I'm so sorry about Oliver.  We had a lot of parakeets when we were young - they were silly birds - always made us laugh some of their antics. 

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

RIP Oliver. Heart

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

I'm so sorry,🌻🕊

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

So sorry for the loss of your dear Oliver.  Such a sweet bird.  I know it isn't easy when one of our pets go to Rainbow Bridge.  Hugs.

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

@kcladyz I can't watch the video.  I'm sitting here now with tears.  The love you have for him comes through from your words here.


I'm so sorry your heart hurts.  When I was a kid my Aunt and Uncle never had children but they had several parakeets.  They were their baby's.  I'd go over to there house and spend the night.  It was so much fun being there with them.  


They taught the birds to eat from the corner of their mouths and talk, it was fun.


I'm so sorry.  Take care and know I am thinking of you.

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

@kcladyz  Oh no, please accept my condolences.

There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

I'm so sorry, my thoughts are with you tonight. I watched the video, he was beautiful.

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

@kcladyz ~ I'm so sorry.  It's never easy to lose our sweet companions, big or small.  I have been there, it stinks.  We are here if you need us.  Please take care.

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Re: My parakeet Oliver died tonight

Sincere condolences. I hope memories of Oliver are a comfort to you in coming days. 

My family had parakeets as pets for me and my siblings when we were young. They were fun and pretty and we were warned they were fragile. So I know how much you loved Oliver and feel sad. Take support from all of us who have seen our pets go over the bridge.