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My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

She does this every morning and she's no problem sharing the chair with me.  My only problem now is figuring how to hook up the coffee to get it in here, so as not to bother her.  She's good about it, when I HAVE to get up, but it's getting the coffee here that's the immediate problem. LOL


Have you been in this situation of not wanting to bother your little ones? 

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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.


Image result for happy holidays yorkie images

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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

@meallen616 wrote:


Image result for happy holidays yorkie images

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  Exactly!

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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

I am guilty of crawling over the arm of my recliner as not to disturb my sleeping kittys 😽😽.

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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

I have 3 kitties and a large lumbering docile dog. All of them fall asleep all over me at any point in time. So when they do and I am killing myself not to get up for a drink or the loo....I fake the tiniest of tiny sneezes. Real sneezes scare them, so I only pretend.


Then the guilt comes and because I get up they all get a treat. It's a vicious cycle I tell ya.

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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

We have three cats.  One was just 3 weeks old when I found her.  The vet said if she made it through the night, she’d probably be fine. She’s four years now, and very skittish when she eats. After I feed her, we try to stay away from her and to be quiet. We even tiptoe around and whisper so she won’t take off and hide. If you’re going to have pets, you should spoil them!

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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.


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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.


Is that your gorgeous fluffball?!😍

Looks so sweet!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

My pom and chihuahua sleep with me and I will lie in an uncomfortable position before causing them to move. 

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: My little Yorkie heartbeat, is cuddled next to me.

This is so funny to read these.  Is there a place in the Olympics for the contortions we go through on this?