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Re: My little Oreo is missing

@MKR14 wrote:

@qvcfreak @So happy you found Oreo. I was following your story but last week was a sad one for us. We had to put our Precious Shih-Tzu down due to a bad seizure that may have caused brain damage. She was 14 1/2 and doing pretty well lately and suddenly this happened. We knew the decision we had to make. It is so sad here without her. She is my Avatar here. She was so sweet,loving and everyone wanted to take her home with them. We were just blessed to always be by her side and she had not been left alone for over a year due to a possibility of another seizure. It is strange being able to leave the house together. We never would have forgave ourselves if one of us had not been with her when she passed. We are retired and that was a blessing.

You must have been in so much pain as not knowing where Oreo was was as sad for you. I know Oreo is extra spoiled now. 
Love and prayers that Oreo will be happy and feel safe out of his cage again and you having a good nights sleep knowing your baby is home again.


So sorry for your loss, @MKR14 .  You made that horrible decision eventually we all have to make.  Rest assured your furbaby is happy and well and will always be close by watching over you until you meet again.

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Re: My little Oreo is missing

Thrilled that Oreo has returned home.  Now your family is happy and complete, @qvcfreak !

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Re: My little Oreo is missing

Don't we all know it, @qvcfreak.

Years ago, a co-worker and her husband had to have their elder border collie euthanized. Every day at work, she'd tell us how their younger dog, also a border collie, would go from room to room, looking for her "sister." Then she'd return to the living room, looking so forlorn.

They not only had to deal with the death of one pet, but also with how it affected, at least for a time, their other one.

Heartbreaking IS the only word for it.

What worries you masters you.
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Re: My little Oreo is missing

@MKR14 wrote:

@qvcfreak @So happy you found Oreo. I was following your story but last week was a sad one for us. We had to put our Precious Shih-Tzu down due to a bad seizure that may have caused brain damage. She was 14 1/2 and doing pretty well lately and suddenly this happened. We knew the decision we had to make. It is so sad here without her. She is my Avatar here. She was so sweet,loving and everyone wanted to take her home with them. We were just blessed to always be by her side and she had not been left alone for over a year due to a possibility of another seizure. It is strange being able to leave the house together. We never would have forgave ourselves if one of us had not been with her when she passed. We are retired and that was a blessing.

You must have been in so much pain as not knowing where Oreo was was as sad for you. I know Oreo is extra spoiled now. 
Love and prayers that Oreo will be happy and feel safe out of his cage again and you having a good nights sleep knowing your baby is home again.


I am so sorry you lost your Shih Tzu. Our friends had a Shih Tzu named "Lucy" and we worked it out so that when we went on vacation they would watch our 2 Papillons and we would watch Lucy when they were away. We came to love Lucy just like she was ours, and our 2 dogs loved her too.


The last time we dog sat for Lucy I thought she had lost weight and mentioned it to our friends. She acted fine, ate great, etc., but that weight loss was concerning. So they took her to the vet, and xrays showed something bad on her liver and spleen. She had her operation the day after Christmas, and they found cancer was everywhere, so they put her down right then. 


She was the best dog! I'm still crying over it, and I was only the dogsitter! 



I'll have to think of little found Oreo sitting on the couch to bring back a smile right now.

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Re: My little Oreo is missing

[ Edited ]

Thanks @Happy2BHere Lucy was adorable.

I didn’t mean to take anything away from adorable Oreo being found. I would have been going crazy trying to find our Our Shih-Tzu Precious if she had been lost. We talk to her every day and know she is better off. Just part of life and we have to put her first. Never an easy thing to do.

Here is a little collage I put together of our favorite moments.

She always loved to steal my husbands water.

@qvcfreak I hope Oreo comes out of his cage soon as he will feel safe again with the love he is shown. 


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Re: My little Oreo is missing

@MKR14  Lucy is adorable and I can see from her pics, one could easily just love her. I especially love the pic of her stealing a drink. 


Oreo is slowly coming out. He’s still watching the Playoffs in his favorite place on the couch. Both he and Khloe are fast asleep. 

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Re: My little Oreo is missing

@qvcfreak @That is my Shih-Tzu dog Precious drinking in the photo collage. Thanks for enjoying the photo. She got my husband down on the floor to play with her and then got on the couch and drank his drink. After that if she didn’t have ice in her water she would look up at one of us until we got her some. We still laugh about how smart she was. Wish we all could write a book about our pets. Bet they would be best sellers!

It was @Happy2BHere‘s friend Lucy under her post about a friends Shih-Tzu dog Lucy that also passed away. She also had photos of Lucy with all her toys. She is adorable.

I think our pets have more toys than our children did.

It only proves all dogs get our love if we are their owners or not. Pets are amazing and always forgiving. The smiles they put on our faces are priceless.

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Re: My little Oreo is missing

Dogs *can* lose collars on their own, but they don't take baths on their own!  Someone had him, realized they could get in trouble with the law for taking him out of your yard, and dumped him back in your neighborhood.  It's possible some kids took him originally, and their parents didn't realize he wasn't a stray right at first, then saw your flyers and realized their kids could be in trouble, so they made the kids show them where the dog came from and dumped him.  There's no way to know, but at least Oreo is home safely, and won't go missing again!  I'm so glad he's returning tohis normal habits, too, poor guy!

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Re: My little Oreo is missing

Glad he was found. No way of knowing what happened so I wouldn't even speculate.

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Re: My little Oreo is missing



I am so happy for you and Oreo.  I hadn't checked your post recently and was thrilled to see that he is back home.  As a dog and cat Mom I know how much they mean to us.  Give him a little pet for me.  Heart