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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

@Buck-i-Nana  You & your husband have big, kind, warm hearts to give senior rescue dogs a home.  


Many won't take them because they only have limited time ahead of them.  But you are so special to know that they also give back your love ten times over.


my sincere sympathies.  

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

[ Edited ]

Dear @Buck-i-Nana

I hope you're  getting lots of hugs and understanding from the people in your life.  I'm sending you hugs through the ether and hope they help.


I've adopted six seniors, five of whom have passed away, and as long as I'm physically able, I will continue to do so.  For me, it's not about how I feel when they pass on, it's about how would I feel if I stopped trying to help.  I don't mean to be preachy to anyone, because I know well how hard it is to go through the losses.


I know you will come out the "other side" and bless you for taking in the older ones and doing right by them.


My hope is that all those who adopt dogs would understand that it is for life, and that pets are not disposable.  If all people would understand that (as most of us in this forum already do), there wouldn't be a need for others to take in as many older ones. 


(In the SF Bay area, there is a rescue organization devoted to just senior dogs:  I know there are others around the nation.)

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

@GingerPeach wrote:

Dear @Buck-i-Nana

I hope you're  getting lots of hugs and understanding from the people in your life.  I'm sending you hugs through the ether and hope they help.


I've adopted six seniors, five of whom have passed away, and as long as I'm physically able, I will continue to do so.  For me, it's not about how I feel, it's about how would I feel if I stopped.  I don't mean to be preachy to anyone, because I know well how hard it is to go through the losses.


I know you will come out the "other side" and bless you for taking in the older ones and doing right by them.


My hope is that all those who adopt dogs would understand that it is for life, and that pets are not disposable.  If all people would understand that (as most of us in this forum already do), there wouldn't be a need for others to take in as many older ones. 


(In the SF Bay area, there is a rescue organization devoted to just senior dogs:  I know there are others around the nation.)

I so wish people truly understood this. I posted awhile back on the WEN forum that I saw a post for adoption of an elderly dog that his family dropped off at the shelter because they wanted "a younger dog" now. They had the dog for most of his life then, when he needs them most and needs that routine and comfort of the family he's known for all his years, they just abandon him. Just broke my heart. Smiley Sad

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

@HappyDaze wrote:

@GingerPeach wrote:

Dear @Buck-i-Nana

I hope you're  getting lots of hugs and understanding from the people in your life.  I'm sending you hugs through the ether and hope they help.


I've adopted six seniors, five of whom have passed away, and as long as I'm physically able, I will continue to do so.  For me, it's not about how I feel, it's about how would I feel if I stopped.  I don't mean to be preachy to anyone, because I know well how hard it is to go through the losses.


I know you will come out the "other side" and bless you for taking in the older ones and doing right by them.


My hope is that all those who adopt dogs would understand that it is for life, and that pets are not disposable.  If all people would understand that (as most of us in this forum already do), there wouldn't be a need for others to take in as many older ones. 


(In the SF Bay area, there is a rescue organization devoted to just senior dogs:  I know there are others around the nation.)

I so wish people truly understood this. I posted awhile back on the WEN forum that I saw a post for adoption of an elderly dog that his family dropped off at the shelter because they wanted "a younger dog" now. They had the dog for most of his life then, when he needs them most and needs that routine and comfort of the family he's known for all his years, they just abandon him. Just broke my heart. Smiley Sad

I complete agree, @HappyDaze  Do you remember how effective it was when the billboard campaign started to help people remember to stop, or not start, smoking?  I've always thought it would be great if a billboard campaign were started to encourage and/or teach people that pets are not disposable and that they need us all their lives. 

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

Sorry for your loss - you gave Dusty an amazing life by taking him in - I'm sure he flourished in your care. 

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

@HappyDaze wrote:

@Buck-i-Nana I am so sorry you lost Dusty.
Nothing I can say can take away the pain and loss but know that what you gave Dusty was the ultimate gift, the gift of a happy, safe, peaceful life in his golden years. But please be strong and continue to adopt seniors. I know that it is hard but they NEED you. They need you to give them that happy, safe, peaceful life, even if it is only for a short time. That is the ultimate gift that all animals, including humans, only hope we get in our last years of our life.
I let my sweet babies know so they can greet Dusty at the bridge with wagging tails, playful barks, licks, and soft nuzzles.

Awww, @HappyDaze, there you go making me cry again.  What a sweet and thoughtful post.  Heart

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

  1. Thank you for taking in seniors. I do the same and it takes a little piece of my heart when the time comes to say good-bye. I know it is hard, and I tell myself no more each and every time, but to know that  they languish in shelters cold and alone and die without love is just too sad. I will probably continue until I physically cannot and I hope u can do the same. 
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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

@Buck-i-Nana - You did a wonderful thing, giving Dusty a loving home for his final years.  I think we all accept that the price of loving animals or another human being, is the pain we'll feel, when they are no longer with us.


But we wouldn't want it any other way, would we?  A world with no love or affection?  I'm sure Dusty returned every bit of love in full measure.


Sending you (((prayers, hugs and healing thoughts))).  Heart

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(



I am so sorry Buck-i-Nana.  Bless you for taking in the elderly dogs that nobody wants.

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Re: My Dusty has crossed the rainbow bridge :(

How fortunate was Dusty to have found someone so special to take him home and take care of him in his final years.  He was truly blessed.  I'm so sorry for your pain.