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Lots of candles on this cake!

Augie from Golden Retriever Ranch recently celebrated 20 years!🎈🎁

That is incredible. The oldest dog we had lived to be around 17 years

old and she was a Collie/German Shepherd mix.


Of course they say the smaller the breed the longer their life, but Augie

is not small. Anyone have a pet that lived an incredibly long time?


I wish all our pets had longer lives. 10 to 14 years average is not long 




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Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

Happy birthday to Augie!!!!!!!!The longest my pets have ever made was 15 years old and yes, it was a small breed dog.  Augie's little face has even turned white, my west highland turned 15 May 4 and his nose now has a little gray spot .

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Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

Happy Birthday sweet one 😘

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Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

Wow, that is fantastic.  Our Toy Manchester Terrier, Hana, is 16 1/2 years old.  My old girl......

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎08-18-2010

Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

@Jackyl wrote:

Wow, that is fantastic.  Our Toy Manchester Terrier, Hana, is 16 1/2 years old.  My old girl......

Jackyl, I also have a toy manchester terrier who just turned 6. I cant believe someone else here has one. They are very rare. May I ask where you got her from? Just curious there are not many out there. 

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Posts: 7,123
Registered: ‎09-22-2017

Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

@pretty pitty wrote:

@Jackyl wrote:

Wow, that is fantastic.  Our Toy Manchester Terrier, Hana, is 16 1/2 years old.  My old girl......

Jackyl, I also have a toy manchester terrier who just turned 6. I cant believe someone else here has one. They are very rare. May I ask where you got her from? Just curious there are not many out there. 

@Jackyl  Helping you to get this message from pretty pitty.

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Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

Happy, happy birthday to sweet Augie!  That white face really got to me.  My first Golden lived till 15, whiite face and all.  She became more beautiful to me the older she got.  All dogs are special and wonderful but, to me, there is nothing like a Golden, especially an old one.Heart

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Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

I've had 3 cats in my lifetime.  The first 2 lived past 20.  My current cat is in its 15th year.


My daughter's chocolate lab is 20 yrs young.  He's on his way out as he sleeps all day.  Only wakes up to eat.   Day time, he sleeps in his bed in the den.  In the evening, he sleeps under the bed in master bedroom.

Per my daughter he will probably die in his sleep. 

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


Posts: 58
Registered: ‎08-18-2010

Re: Lots of candles on this cake!

@threecees wrote:

@pretty pitty wrote:

@Jackyl wrote:

Wow, that is fantastic.  Our Toy Manchester Terrier, Hana, is 16 1/2 years old.  My old girl......

Jackyl, I also have a toy manchester terrier who just turned 6. I cant believe someone else here has one. They are very rare. May I ask where you got her from? Just curious there are not many out there. 

@Jackyl  Helping you to get this message from pretty pitty.

Thank you Three Cees didn't mean to hijack you thread.

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Posts: 5,085
Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Re: Lots of candles on this cake!



Growing up we had a German Shepherd / Collie mix dog who stayed outside in her huge doghouse.  My mother didn't like dogs but she actually cooked for the dog.  May be that is why Queenie lived till 22.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill