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I've wondered about this a long time: do our pets understand what kissing them means? that it's an expression of love and affection? What does it mean when they lick us...the same thing, an expression of affection and security?

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Of course! They especially understand it when they've been abused or abandoned, like ours have. When they lick you it is usually a sign of affection, although one long lick might be "OK - you got your lick. Now leave me alone." LOL! Smiley Happy

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Re: Kissing our pets

[ Edited ]

My guess is that they interpret this as grooming, which is an expression of caring.  So I do believe they know it means love.

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I am sure, to the bottom of my heart, that every single one of my babies knew what it meant.  Some even kissed back 😍

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Those babies are leaking us because they are showing their affection to us.

The Supreme Happiness Of Life Consists In The Conviction That One Is Loved.
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My little Cozi,is so darn cute, he bumps his nose on my face ,near my nose and mouth.


I think he thinks it is a kiss

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I think my dogs understand what it means. They kiss me in the same way although sometimes I think they're licking to get something tasty off our skin. It's the little licks that say I love you. I think a lot about what dogs especially think. When I drop my babies off at the vet and leave them I wonder if they think I'm never coming back. I don't feel they have that same feeling when left at home because it's our home. It kind of breaks my heart that I can't explain to them that it's for their own good and we'll be back. 

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@GoneButNotForgotten   yes, yes, and yes.  I say to my little girl, "can I have a kiss?" and lean over and give her a kiss.  For me out of nowhere, she'll barrell on over to me and load me up with her kisses.  I'm sure of it. So we both know!!

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Pets not only see our kisses as grooming, but also as tasting. Shadow is quite the kisser.Smiley Happy