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I have a 4 yr old Yorkie who is a rescue from a bad owner.  She has been with me for 5-1/2 months.  Sweet little girl.


She had some pimple like things on her chest and the vet gave me a spray to use.  Didn't help a lot but then 2 months later she broke out all over and was scratching like mad.  Vet thinks food allergy so she is now on prescription food, bottled water, script shampoo for weekly bath and Benadryl daily.


She seemed to be getting better but she started scratching again until she has bald patches on her back and scabby patches.  Can't get her into her vet for 2 weeks and local vet is booked for 3 weeks.


Anyone ever face this before?  Other than this she's a healthy girl.

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If she is still on the prescription food it is not working.  Call the vet, they will let you return the dog food and prescribe another formula.   

Try the new dog food until your appt.

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Re: I need HELP Please

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She may have a little fungal infection due to her skin not clearing up correctly. They  make sprays for this,I get mine from Amazon  and it could be seasonal.My corgie had seasonal allergies. Could also be mange.


She also may be allergic to whatever she is bathed in. I noticed my Maltie was allergic to  the shampoo his groomer that I groom him myself ,I use an oatmeal shampoo and it helps soooo much.


Now that I just reread your post, I see I have said nothing your vet didn't sorry


but like i said my Corgi,(now on RB) had seasonal allergies ( mostly in the fall)  his tail would become so raw it would bleed. The vet gave me some kind of womans  fem.yeast  spray and it cured him forever

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Aw, that poor baby!

I was thinking and hate to mention-could it be fleas?


I read this which has some good information on what to do while waiting to find out what kind of allergies or problem is making them itch. It's from ""


Answer: Dogs itch for many different reasons, and sometimes, for no reason, and it’s not uncommon for the scratching to seem worse at night, when the house is quiet. Every dog’s gotta scratch some time, and that’s completely normal. But when a dog is incessantly licking, scratching, biting and chewing to the point of wounding herself, then scratching becomes a symptom of an underlying pathology.

The medical term for scratching related to excessive itching is pruritus. This is the second most common reason people take their dogs to the vet (gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea top the list). The causes of pruritus can be quite complex, but there are two main reasons why dogs itch. The first has to do with the condition of the skin itself: Is it infected? Is it too oily? Is it too dry? Of these three, dry skin is a frequent occurrence. The second major cause of pruritus is allergies.


Is It Dry Skin?
One common cause of itching is dry skin. If you live in a region with low humidity, it’s more likely that your dog will have dry skin, which is fairly easy to recognize. When you part your dog’s hair, you see flakes of dandruff in the undercoat, and the skin itself may be cracked and tough. The slightest stimulation of the skin—your gentlest touch—can provoke your dog to scratch violently.

Dry skin can be influenced not only by environmental factors, but also by diet. Commercial pet foods process out the good oils that contribute to healthy skin and a lustrous haircoat. Dry pet foods have an even more dehydrating effect on skin and hair and also stimulate increased thirst, which only partially compensates for the drying nature of these diets.

If you must feed dry foods, then by all means add digestive enzymes to your dog’s meals. In fact, digestive enzymes are good to use with any type of food. Enzymes improve the release of nutrients, and beneficial probiotic bacteria also assist in the digestive process. (Probiotics also help with allergies, as noted below.) A healthy digestive system absorbs fluids more readily from the food your dog eats, thus improving hydration and increasing the moisture levels of the skin and haircoat.


Or Allergies?
Another common cause of itchy skin is allergies. Allergies may make your dog’s skin dry, greasy, or slightly dry and oily, and are accompanied by frequent scratching, licking or chewing. We are seeing significantly more cases of allergic dogs than we have in the past; many veterinarians believe that we are experiencing an “allergy epidemic.” While the reasons for this allergy epidemic are uncertain, some of the theories put forth include the aggressive vaccination protocols that many dogs have been subjected to, poor breeding practices and the feeding of processed pet foods.

Whatever the cause, allergies are difficult to address. In the worst cases, afflicted dogs require strong (and potentially toxic) pharmaceuticals just to get some relief. Though allergies are rarely cured, early identification and intervention can keep them under control, and in some cases, can substantially diminish them.

Clinical research has shown that one important way to reduce the likelihood that dogs will develop allergies is to give them high-potency cultures of beneficial probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus when they are very young. Probiotics are relatively inexpensive, absolutely safe to use, and can save both dog and the owner tons of grief—and visits to the vet—later in life.

Regardless of age, many dogs’ allergies are controlled by improving the quality of their diet, giving them high potency acidophilus cultures and high doses of fish oils; adding freshly milled flax seed; and, in some cases, giving them antihistamines. (It can take up to three months for this regimen to take effect; see sidebar for details and dosages.)

Determining which condition your dog is dealing with requires a vet’s evaluation, but implementing some of the suggestions provided in the sidebar can certainly help your pup be more comfortable in her own skin—literally.

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I have had several dogs that have things like this, including one right now who goes to a dermatologist vet ever4 weeks.  There are many things that can cause allergic reactions on the skin.  

In addition to the prescription food (which mine hate) , etc that you’re doing, our derm vet gave us an ointment , but said we could also use plain pure (unscented, not colored green) aloe gel also.  The other thing is to get a cone (not the hard plastic if you can help it, there are flexible ones) to keep her from biting or licking them.

good luck! 

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Re: I need HELP Please

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@harconMy rescue had somelthing like that when we first adopted her and the vet took cultures and found no  yeast infection.  I don't remember what exactly he prescribed anymore but it was some type of steriod and another pill.  It did help a little but he finally had her take children's benadryl for about a week and that did the trick.   He figured out the dosage by her weight.  Then after she was groomed again it happened and the groomer tried everything she had and it would happen so the vet told me to just give her benedryl before her appointment for grooming and then for a day after also and no problems since.  

Could this be what is happening to your little girl?

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Seems that the vet should be able to get you in for a recheck since what was prescribed is not working.  If he will not accomodate you find another vet.  I would never let my dog suffer like that waiting for an appointment.

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I would find another Vet.  Waiting 2 - 3 weeks for an appt. is unacceptable.  My Vet is very busy and can always get me in the next day and sometimes the same day.

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ahhh. i have a rescued puppy mill yorkie who is around 17 yrs old. i have a friend who has a yorkie that has the same problem. itching all the time. she went to several vets and no real answer. just tried a certain food that hepled but idk name.

so this must be a problem for some Yorkies and not others.

i feel for her!!! they are the sweetest dogs ever! hope u get some answers soon!!

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Re: I need HELP Please

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Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar, few drops in her water. Diluted spray on her skin if she can tolerate it.  


Coconut oil, the solid kind. Start slowly, as it can cause loose stools. My 5 lb'er gets a bean-sized glob daily. You could rub it on her skin, but she might lick it off, dogs seem to love the stuff.


If you have 20 Mule Team Borax, bathe her in that, very soothing. Handful in the tub.



Good luck!