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How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

So this happened:


A woman made the decision to have her dog euthanized because it had a tumor on its back.  She asked her dad to take the dog to the vet to have it done.  Her family was going through some challenges, her husband went to prison, they lost their home, and the dog had this issue.  So the dad takes the dog to the vet, and the vet tried to talk the dad out of putting it down.  Vet said the dog had many years of life left if surgery was performed.  Dad said no, do it.  He paid the vet and left.  The vet then made the decision to save the dog's life and performed the surgery.  Then she gave the dog to a Boxer rescue group who said they would find the dog a home. 

Now...... 6 months later.  The owner found her dog on the rescue group's website.  In the interview she said she "was sickened" to find out her dog was still alive.

How would you feel if you found out your dog was still alive after paying to have it put down?  Do you feel the vet did the right thing?  Personally, I'm on the side of the vet.  My feeling is that the owner didn't want to deal with the dog anymore.  She probably had to move into a rental and either nobody would rent with a dog or she couldn't afford the pet fees.  I think she threw the vet under the bus.  Anyway, she got her dog back which I have mixed feeling about also.

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

How unfortunate for the poor dog.  It's too bad the guy got his dog back.


Technically, the vet didn't have a legal leg to stand on.  Thank goodness for compassion.

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

The vet should have done the surgery refunded the owner and then did whatver he wanted  with the dog at that point

If the dog had many years left and there was no real medical reason to put it down I don't believe the owner had the right to request killling the dog in the first place


And no I don't think they have any business getting the dog back

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

[ Edited ]

Legally the vet is required to do what the owner requested and paid for.


The vet rather than trying to talk them out of the surgery should have had them sign the dog over to him or a rescue.  Then the owner would have no recourse

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

Euthanization should not be a convenient out whether we're talking animals or humans.  There are times it's the right path, but I'm on the vet's side this time.  She advised against euthanasia -  and the father still left the dog  - I'd want to see proof he actually paid what euthanasia costs, but if he did then I'm glad the vet used that money to defray the operation so the dog could live!


I'm sorry the dog was returned to her -  I can't believe that's in the animal's best interest.





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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I absolutely do not think she should have been allowed to get the dog back.  I think it's cowardly and very unkind to not stay with your dog while he's being euthanized.  I would never hand off my dog to someone else to take to the Vet.  I know a Vet who didn't want to euthanize a dog that needed expensive veterinary care.  She took the dog home and is keeping him herself.  This is with the owner's permission though.  I am on the Vet's side but don't think the rescue group should have given the dog back to the former owner.  I think that's awful.

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-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I think everyone involved in this is wrong.  The vet shouldn't have said he would euthanize the dog and not done it.  The owner shouldn't care if he did save the dog.  The whole thing is a stupid mess that people with a lick of sense would have avoided.

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

She should be forced to pay for the surgery that healed the dog for sure - wish she did not get the dog back.  Was just at the vet getting Story's nails cut and a guy comes in dragging his poor dog behind him - you could tell he couldn't be bothered with the dog - made a statement someone with allergies shouldn't have a dog.  Felt sooooo bad for that sweet dog.  Just sickens me when people treat their dogs like ******.  People working at the vet just rolled their eyes.  If you can't afford to take care of a dog their entire life, DON'T GET A DOG!  They aren't pawns in life. 

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

@Nicknack wrote:

I absolutely do not think she should have been allowed to get the dog back.  I think it's cowardly and very unkind to not stay with your dog while he's being euthanized.  I would never hand off my dog to someone else to take to the Vet.  I know a Vet who didn't want to euthanize a dog that needed expensive veterinary care.  She took the dog home and is keeping him herself.  This is with the owner's permission though.  I am on the Vet's side but don't think the rescue group should have given the dog back to the former owner.  I think that's awful.

The rescue group would have no choice, the family was still the legal owner. 

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

@JobGirl wrote:

The vet should have done the surgery refunded the owner and then did whatver he wanted  with the dog at that point

If the dog had many years left and there was no real medical reason to put it down I don't believe the owner had the right to request killling the dog in the first place


And no I don't think they have any business getting the dog back

I agree!!!!!!