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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I think the vet absolutely did the right thing.  The vet was acting in the best interest of the dog.  You know that if the vet had refused, these "owners" would have found another vet or a shelter who would have put the dog to sleep.


I barely even understand the story at this point.  A vet used money that could have been used to kill a dog to instead save the dog.  That's an amazing thing.  Wasn't the original "owner" incredibly happy to find the dog alive?  It should have felt like a miracle and she should be so grateful.



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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I know of a similar sort of situation.  It's been years since I've heard it and I still can't believe it! ugh!


Someone that I knew somewhat from where I used to work was telling me that she ran over the family cat while backing out of the driveway.  She took the cat to the emergency vet and was told that an operation was needed at a cost of about $500.  She said, well, I know it's my childrens' cat, but felt that $500 was too much to spend on that so she asked them to put the cat to sleep  She did tell me they strongly tried to convince her otherwise (which she thought was quite nervy!), but she insisted the cat be put to sleep. she tells me later she found out that they did the operation anyway (at their cost) and kept the cat as their office cat.  She was furious when she found out.  And was infuriated that they wouldn't give her the cat back!.


To this day the story leaves me speechless......

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I have been an animal lover all my life and here is  my take:  I would NEVER put a dog through very painful treatments period.  If medical care would hurt a lot and continue for an extended time, I would put the dog, horse, cow rabbit or whatever down.


Animals DON'T understand why you are hurting them.  They don't know they are being treated and can't understand that someday they will be better.  They just know they are being hurt and nothing is worse than a hurting poor animal.  


So money aside, there are a lot of medical things people do to animals now that to me are simply torturing them.  


So there, that's my take on it.  I can't stand animals suffering.  That is what breaks my heart.   

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

[ Edited ]

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

She should be forced to pay for the surgery that healed the dog for sure - wish she did not get the dog back.  Was just at the vet getting Story's nails cut and a guy comes in dragging his poor dog behind him - you could tell he couldn't be bothered with the dog - made a statement someone with allergies shouldn't have a dog.  Felt sooooo bad for that sweet dog.  Just sickens me when people treat their dogs like ******.  People working at the vet just rolled their eyes.  If you can't afford to take care of a dog their entire life, DON'T GET A DOG!  They aren't pawns in life. 




'This surgery could have cost thousands. Then the person goes into debt. I am a animal lover, and you have to draw the line if no financial assistance is available in the thousands range. Not everyone is approved for pet care credit program.

There is no medicaid type of thing for pets, like humans.

There's no guarantees the dog will live.(even after the surgery/or for how long)

The dog could still be in pain.


IMO the vet is the wrong. The vet should have got permission in writing, from the owner (not the dad)  of what they wanted  to do. The vet should have gave options to the owner besides euthanizing and come up with a plan.

 Most people I know stay with their pet, when it goes to the rainbow bridge. (so the vet can't do what they did)




"receipt for $215 for euthanasia and cremation"-from the article

There's no way this amount would pay for the diagnosis, tests, bloodwork and removal of the lump. (maybe for the vet, but not  us) This would cost thousands.

This is what the vet said went for the treatment.


I would have got a test to see at least what the lump is. Then take it from there.


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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

Personally, I find it rather disgusting these people got the dog back. As far as I'm concerned, they gave up their rights once the dog was left to be euthanized. And I do understand the necessity of deciding whether or not any further treatment based on financial conditions. But I would have signed over the dog to the vet instead. 


Since I stay with my cats while they're being euthanized, this wouldn't happen to me. 

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I didn't read all the comments so if I am repeating something, sorry.


My angels all had to go back to God from old age and declining heath/disease.  


That said, regardless of the reason, if I made the choice to euthanize an animal I would be woman enough to stay with it until it crossed the bridge.  Always have, always will.



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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

What the vet did was illegal for he took the mans money. The dog was not the vets property. I think it is sweet that the dog is alive  but the owner probably could not afford the surgery.  If the vet was going to do this  he shoulf have offered to  do the surgery for free  and returned the dog to the owner. 

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

Yes, apparently it was illegal. But why should the vet do the surgery for free? What the vet should have done is have the dog signed over to him/her and not taken the money. 

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Re: How would you feel if you paid your vet to euthanize your dog and it didn't happen?

I think the vet should have not taken the money and said I will take the dog.  I have no problem except that for what the vet did.  Many people don't want to pay for medical assistance for their pet and just want to put it to sleep to get rid of it.