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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

There are stray cats, three of them running together, and they are using my front yard --that is a long expanse full of mulch and plants --for their bathroom.


I want them to stop.   I was out weeding a little while ago and the cats have made a huge mess....any idea what I can put down to get rid of them?


We had to make our fenced back yard more secure so the cats could not crawl under our fence, because there were using the mulch in the back yard last year.   


I am only guessing the cats are strays....I don't really know, if I knew where they belonged I would talk to their owners.  If I could catch the I would call the humane society and let them pick them up.

Sorry, but this says 'Pet Lovers' .  Sounds like a cat hater to me.  I wish I had strays visiting so they could take care of all the mice and rats invading my property.  If you are that desperate to "get rid" of them you can purchse SSSCAT.  It's a spray can activated by movement.  It blasts a burst of air that will scare any animal without harming them.  I use it to keep raccoons off my bird feeders and out of the trash can on my porch .  Works like a charm. 

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@LiveLaughLove wrote:

Cayenne pepper.  You can buy a large bottle at the dollar store.  They get a burning sensation on the bottoms of their feet, lick it off and burns their tongues,

 It doesnt stop at burning footpads and tongues. Burns their throat, stomach, the whole digestive tract.  I don't suppose you supply a big pan of fresh drinking water with that.

Doesn't do any real damage, oh, really? but is very unpleasant and they remember the feeling, and where they got it.  You have to reapply after rain, but we used to be plagued with them at one time and have not had the problem for years. And there are a lot of feral cats on our neighborhood



Guess what happens after they transfer it into their eye.

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@Mom2Dogs wrote:

@x Hedge I have seen the three cats running together in the evenings, they are not kittens, and they seem tame as they lay in our driveway or the neighbors driveway or back yard.


Well then, sounds like pets.

Note days and times they show up.


Snap photos and start asking around. Your letter carrier might recognise what house they're from.


I have one that shows up in my yard nightly, just after 8pm, wearing a collar.


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I always had luck with Ortho Dog & Cat Be Gone repellant.


I just heard a racket out in the back yard and when I looked out it was a bird dive bombing a stray wandering through the yard.


There must be a nest in the near vicinity.


As much as I miss mine, she passed in March, the strays are the reason I will not get another one.  They would turn mine into a wild beast.  It got to the point where I wasn't able to open my windows because she could either hear them or smell them invading her territory, even if they were in the next yard. 

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@TW...I NEVER said I HATE CATS, it is a real issue as you can read others have posted their woe as well.    I have a dog that is NEVER off leash people should tend to their cats in the same manner.

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Agreed, I wouldn't use anything toxic like mothballs. 

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I have your problems, and have for several years.  I finally said enough is enough, and called the County.  Of course, each spring & fall, more Cats. WELL, our county has NO LAWS for CATS.  They won't even come and pick one up.  HUH?  So, I asked what to do?


  I now use Live Catch traps, and then transport them to the Animal Shelter.  Nothing else I can do, and I HAVE HAD IT!  It's a royal pain, but there are no other options.  Like the OP, they use my flower gardens as a litter box.  Some you can tell are sick...  runny eyes, noses, cough, etc... 


My backyard is privacy fenced at 6 feet, but they can jump up,  and then over, or climb a tree to get in.  They try to catch and eat the birds I have fed for years at the feeder... 


So angry at the people who don't take responsibility for their animals/pets.  Please don't get me wrong.  I LOVE animals, but this is beyond what I can handle.  So, for every female I can bring in, that is two litters that will not be born.


I've tried so many other things that people have said to spread around...  The dreaded moth balls, pepper flakes, the list goes on.  The back yard is a third acre, so thats a lot of pepper flakes, etc.  Cat Sad

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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I'm sorry you have this problem.  Even having a fondness for cats doesn't mean you need to let them use your front garden as a Loo. 

If it's 3 cats together my guess is they are a family of some kind.  Housemates or mother and kittens.  Where are they geting food?  Is there enough critters to hunt? or are they being fed by someone? 

The thing about detering cats is you have to make it not worth their while to do something.

The chicken wire under the mulch and the rose bush thorns are both great ideas.  Make them think it's all thier idea not to do something.  I'm not stepping on that chicken wire because I Don't Want to. 

Remove the food and the easy acess to a litter area and they may look for other accomodations.