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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

Thank you @GingerPeach .  I'm so glad your Papillon was able to recover fully after her surgery.

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation



How is Frankie doing in her medically customized crate today?

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@Sammycat1   She's doing fine.  Every time I get up she stands up and watches me though.  Even when I leave the room she usually stands up until I come back.  She did that when she was in her regular crate yesterday, too, so I guess there's nothing I can do about that.


The prednisone is really making her potty a lot.  She's constipated though (probably more than you wanted to know).  I think it's because her neck and back hurt when she gets in position to go.  She went twice Friday morning very small amounts.  It was kind of messy, and I had to wipe her bottom, which I don't usually do.  She strained at that time.  She hasn't gone since.


I ordered groceries today and got a can of plain pumpkin.  I will put a teaspoon on her supper tonight.  I've never done that before but read a teaspoon is the right amount.  I hope it is.  She weighs 22 lbs.  I'll call the Vet about this tomorrow.


Any suggestions for a constipated dog?  I do give her a fish oil tablet every day.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@NickNack wrote:

@Sammycat1   She's doing fine.  Every time I get up she stands up and watches me though.  Even when I leave the room she usually stands up until I come back.  She did that when she was in her regular crate yesterday, too, so I guess there's nothing I can do about that.


The prednisone is really making her potty a lot.  She's constipated though (probably more than you wanted to know).  I think it's because her neck and back hurt when she gets in position to go.  She went twice Friday morning very small amounts.  It was kind of messy, and I had to wipe her bottom, which I don't usually do.  She strained at that time.  She hasn't gone since.


I ordered groceries today and got a can of plain pumpkin.  I will put a teaspoon on her supper tonight.  I've never done that before but read a teaspoon is the right amount.  I hope it is.  She weighs 22 lbs.  I'll call the Vet about this tomorrow.


Any suggestions for a constipated dog?  I do give her a fish oil tablet every day.


How's her water consumption?  If the same, try the pumpkin. If not, then hold off--fiber in the pumpkin + less water= worse problem.  (By the way, can you elevate her bowls a smidge to take pressure off the neck?)


I agree that you should ask the vet for assistance on this one, especially since she must rest for quite awhile.


Our Frankie with the bad leg cannot balance well in the box, so she's on a medication named cisapride for dogs and cats. It's a motility medication that helps move things throughout the digestive tract and helps her go more easily. She has no side effects.


However, your Frankie may need a stool softener to help her go more easily. There is also lactulose, which is more of a laxative. I've used that in a dog with your Frankie's condition for short periods with success. 


A light hand with these types of drugs helped things along. I always start on a dose less than the vet recommends as a trial can always add more.




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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation


My chihuahua tended to get constipated also.  I did add pumpkin and it helped, but have recently added 8-9 drops of omega-3 oil to each of her meals, and that has really helped.  We are even taking fewer walks and she is using her potty pads like a champ.

Kiku is about 5 pounds so adjust accordingly.  Stools are not runny using this amount.


I use this one and also buy the larger size to refill the small container with the dropper.  I expect any good salmon or fish or other omega-3 oil would be as helpful.


I'm very happy with how this works for her. : Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Pet - Fish Oil Liquid For ...



[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

@Sammycat1   I just finished giving Frankie her supper and pumpkin right before I read your post.  She has never been a big water drinker and hasn't had a lot today.  


I've ordered a bowl for water to attach to the x-pen at a better height for her to drink from.  I was thinking about ordering a raised set of bowls or find a stool of the right height.  I was going to mention that to my Vet tomorrow.  I looked at them on Chewy, and there are so many different heights I wasn't sure which height to order.  Do you know where they're supposed to hit?  Since this is a neck problem, I agree with you that she shouldn't be lowering her head so much to eat and drink.


Can your Frankie get into her litter box easily?  I have a litter box with a low front for Henry.  I got it when he was a kitten, but it's a large box and I think the low front might be good for a cat like your Frankie.  You probably do have one though.

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]

Thank you @GingerPeach .  I've always given my dogs Welactin gelcaps, which is Omega-3.  Since she got sick I was thinking the less extra things the better so haven't given it to her in several days.  Maybe that has had an effect on her.  I gave it to her tonight with her supper.


I know Nordic Naturals is an excellent brand.  I'll look at yours and compare it to mine.  The gelcaps are just so easy to give.


Edited to say:  Just looking at it now.  Nordic Naturals has a gelcap, too.  I will compare to Welactin.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation


I had meant to add, perhaps increase the number of gel caps you give her. Sorry I forgot to include that sentence.


I think you probably already know the term "bowel tolerance."  I've tweaked Kiku's amounts a bit up and down, and now her digestion seems on track.


It's not so much the brand or type as providing the right dosage.


I can add that my own rheumatologist told me to take 8 capsules of fish oil, which is way over the "recommended" amount on the label.  (Not for Frankie's or Kiku's issue, but for joint relief.)


Anyway, experiment and soon I think you'll find the right amount.



[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

[ Edited ]

@GingerPeach wrote:


I had meant to add, perhaps increase the number of gel caps you give her. Sorry I forgot to include that sentence.


I think you probably already know the term "bowel tolerance."  I've tweaked Kiku's amounts a bit up and down, and now her digestion seems on track.


It's not so much the brand or type as providing the right dosage.


I can add that my own rheumatologist told me to take 8 capsules of fish oil, which is way over the "recommended" amount on the label.  (Not for Frankie's or Kiku's issue, but for joint relief.)


Anyway, experiment and soon I think you'll find the right amount.





@GingerPeach and @Sammycat1   Just wanted to let you know that Frankie had a bowel movement this morning.  I was so relieved.  I don't know if it was putting her back on the fish oil, the pumpkin, or just because she was ready.  I was so relieved.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Frankie's Crate Rest Situation

I know EXACTLY how relieved you must be, @NickNack !



[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.