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Re: Follow Up to My Cat Bill Getting Radiation Treatments

I wonder why in the world they wanted you to stay away from him for so long then.  That seems ridiculous.  I'd quit doing it, too.  I hope your back is feeling better.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Follow Up to My Cat Bill Getting Radiation Treatments

Oh @Annabellethecat66 thank you so much for the update, I wanted to ask but I figured you have a little less than one more week . . . I am so glad you are able to snuggle with Bill again and I'm sure he is too . . . and of course I'm sure Katie is happy too . . . Heart

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Follow Up to My Cat Bill Getting Radiation Treatments

@Annabellethecat66   I tried to tell you that Bill was not going to give you radiation poisoning, lol.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Follow Up to My Cat Bill Getting Radiation Treatments

Thanks for the kind words to all of you.  He and I just got through snuggling.  He's over here kneeding the blanket.  Any of your cats do that?  I read where they do that when babies to get their mom's milk flowing.


It soothes him.  He puts his mouth to the blanket and pushes it.  Never had a cat do it like he does.


He's just plain amazing.  I'm a proud momma.  Ha!