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Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

Devababy, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pug.  We, too, lost all three of our senior pets within 3 years -- and although each was a horrible blow, the loss of the one pet -- our kitty soul mate -- shattered our hearts harder and knocked us off our feet with a force that astonished us.


And yet in your words, hidden among the hurt, is the tremendous love you shared with Baby her entire life, the care you lavished on her and the selflessness with which you always acted on her behalf as her champion, especially today.  Baby could not have known greater love and she had a wonderful life because you, with your open and loving heart, made it possible.  As she went to the next phase of her journey, she knew only peace as a result, I'm sure of it.


Please know that our prayers are with you in this stormiest time of your grief and that our hearts ache alongside yours.

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Registered: ‎06-16-2015

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

Dear Devababy,

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.  I lost my service dog in May, and I know how your feel.  These babies are closer than any one of my family members (you know what I mean).  I miss her everyday, but I know I did the best for her in her 16 years that I had her.  You will never replace her, but always remember the love you both had together, and I know I will see her in Heaven some day.  Remember she is in no pain now, and that helps me know that, my little girl is pain free now.  She had cancer, i went through chemo with her, and did everything I could for her, as you did.... It's just so hard.. my love and prayers go out to you.

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Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

I'm so, so sorry devababy.  I know your pain.  It's true and genuine mourning of a beloved family member and prayers for strength are being sent your way.  Sending you a big and caring hug! 

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Registered: ‎04-10-2014

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

I am so sorry for your loss devababy.  The loss of a family pet member is so heartbreaking...I know, I have been there.  Sending "Hugs" to you at this difficult time.

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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

so sorry....


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,891
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

I am so sorry for your loss. Having gone through what you're going through, I know how deeply painful it is. May you find peace over time in the beautiful memories of your wonderful dogs. It hurts our hearts forever but the joys our fur babies bring to us are worth all the sorrow.

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Registered: ‎09-24-2011

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

My heartfelt condolences go out to you.  No words can truly comfort you for the loss of your Baby.  Remember. the special love that you both shared lives on forever.  Baby is now happily looking down on you, missing you, but will always be by your side.

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Registered: ‎06-28-2011

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

devababy, I am so sorry.  It sounds as if Baby was such a wonderful "snuggler buddy" and an all around wonderful dog who was fun to be with!  Thinking of you............

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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

devababy, my words are useless for this tragic loss, so I'll pass along prayers and {{{{{hugs}}}}}

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,410
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Baby, my beloved pug just crossed the bridge

So very sorry to hear of the loss of your beoved pug Baby.  I have walked in your shoes many time and know the feeling of a broken heart.  Her memory will always be with you.