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Any advice on a biting kitty?

My cute Percy is a little over a year old.  He is a black and white long haired, HUGE male kitty.  I've had him since he was 10 weeks old.


He thinks he is "Mr. Big Stuff" and is often naughty with the other cats.  I am his special person.


He has a bad habit of biting.  You may be petting him and he will bite your hand.  I know enough when he is overstimulated.  Mostly what I do is say "NO" loudly and push him away to ignore him.  I THINK he may be getting the idea, but am not sure.


Wondering if anyone has any hints about stopping the biting.



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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

[ Edited ]

First, a vet visit is in order to ensure there are no hidden pain issues.


Second, once that's clear, when petting, do so in shorter stints and withdraw. He make only tolerate short sessions.


Third, when your cat approaches you, see if he wants to play first rather than have pet/cuddle time.  He may actually want to romp instead.


Lastly, never push him away or similarly punish him....that will only make him fear you/make him more aggressive.


The better vet sites like Cornell, etc., have good tips on this behavior.


But overall, definitely have a vet look him over first to be sure.  I've had a few cats wuth this issue.. Turned out one had a tooth infection and the other a bad uti brewing.  You never know.


Good luck with your boy!

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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

[ Edited ]

We had a big boy (read 26 lbs of catness) that would turn on you in seconds. One minute of purring and love, the next second he was eating your face. We loved him none the less. We learned early on (also got him at 10 weeks) what his "signs" were and made sure to warn company. He never changed his ways and we never stopped loving him. We loved him for 10 years. He's been gone almost three years now and is missed every day. 


Edited for typos

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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

Also should add, there were no issues with this guy that the vet could find. He was who he was, just as I am who I am. I still miss him. 

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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

I'd say depositing him on the floor and ignoring him would send a strong message.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

I have used a spray bottle of plain water with Buddie, and have no regrets.

He knows he is dearly loved, but truly unacceptable conduct may result in a spritz if he repeats it.

Buddie will still occasionally "mouth" but definitely NEVER "bites".  

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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

Is he biting hard? Some cats will lightly bite, as a love bite.  Also some cats don't tolerate petting at all. I had one cat that really loved to be next to us but she had a very low tolerance for being petted. She got over stimulated from petting almost immediately. I learned I could pet her head once or twice and that was it. 

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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

Our Susie was the same way. Nicest cat in the world most of the time then out of the blue she'd bite, and bite hard. Sometimes it came while you were petting her, other times it came after you stopped. For whatever reason she'd just decide now was a good time to bite you. Cats are "domesticated" but they aren't always that far from the wild state. In some cases it takes very little to nothing to flip that switch from tame, lovable housecat to wildcat. Susie would give you a very subtle sign of easing back her ears before biting, so you'd learn to look for that and then get your hands out of reach. When she'd spin around to bite and there was nothing there, she'd look disappointed, get up and strut off. It was like you'd ruined her day.




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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

Thanks for all the great suggestions.


I don't think there's anything pain wise with him.  I guess I thought he would move away from it after kittenhood, although he's not that far away!


He doesn't like it when he thinks I am upset!  But, I will try to just put him on the floor after saying "no."  I won't push him away if possible.  I can see that as kind of scary.  I know SOME of the things that drive him to bite.  Like if he lays under a blanket next to me.  My instinct is to pet him - his is to bite me!  So I don't do it anymore. 


This guy is 20 + pounds of catness.  His face is still the baby face.  He may be 25 or more pounds.  I have not had a biting cat before.  He's getting mats in his long hair that are a real challenge to brush out, as he doesn't like it.  But we have to do it. 


Thanks again from all the cat lovers here!



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Re: Any advice on a biting kitty?

Timing is important, too ..... Bogey comes to me for affection and petting at times, but if I try to initiate petting at the wrong time ..... like after eating, before he has finished his grooming ritual ..... he does NOT welcome petting.