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I am sorry @GoneButNotForgotten  about your baby Miss Missy.  My Lily went to Heaven in September and maybe she was one of the many animals that welcomed your Missy to heaven.  Miss  Missy is running and playing with all the beloved pets and animals in heaven.  And yes, you will all see each other again!  I am sending you hugs because I know how difficult it is to say goodbye to our precious pets. 

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So sorry Miss Missy had such difficulties with her kidneys.  Your love for her was displayed by you having to make the hardest decision for you but the best decision for her.  Yes, I, too, believe we will see our furry friends when we go to heaven and we will be reunited again.  

((Hugs to you))



“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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So very sorry for your loss of Misssy. Know that she is at the bridge waithing for you to be with you once again.

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Imagine her up in heaven with all our furry friends.  My dear Sammy will bug the life out of her demanding her attention lol.   He always looked a people when walking as if to say "hey I'm cute pet me".  Just a thought, where do the elephants sleep?  Maybe our smaller babies curl in their trunks.  It's a big animal kingdom for all our loved ones to share.  Until you meet again, remember with love and laughter.

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Very sorry to hear about the loss of Miss Missy.  I'm glad she did not suffer and passed gently over the Rainbow Bridge.  The loss of a cherished pet is a heart breaker, I know.  But isn't it nice to know how much she contributed to your life's enjoyment, as you did to hers?  I'm sure she'll be sending you little bits of love every now and then, just so you will know she is OK where she's at.  Cat Wink

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