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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

I know times have changed and there's more to worry about these days, but when I was young, we didn't have cell phones. We had to track down pay phones, if we needed to check in with family. My mom said it was unnerving, until I could find a phone. 


If I had a cell in my youth, you can bet I would have called home to reassure those I knew would worry about me. They wouldn't have had to ask me. That's part of being responsible, and respectful. Two things needed as a new driver.


I would have a heart to heart with your daughter that it's a deal breaker if she doesn't 'remember' to text while out. Set some firm limits. Not 'remembering' is not acceptable.


You shouldn't have to set up a tracker. She needs to willingly participate in a safety plan, to show she's mature enough for the freedom she desires. 

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

@Kachina624  I can only speak to the iPhone app.  You can add and remove people at will and turn off sharing location at will.  You have the control.

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone


@BlueFinch wrote:

I know times have changed and there's more to worry about these days, but when I was young, we didn't have cell phones. We had to track down pay phones, if we needed to check in with family. My mom said it was unnerving, until I could find a phone. 


If I had a cell in my youth, you can bet I would have called home to reassure those I knew would worry about me. They wouldn't have had to ask me. That's part of being responsible, and respectful. Two things needed as a new driver.


I would have a heart to heart with your daughter that it's a deal breaker if she doesn't 'remember' to text while out. Set some firm limits. Not 'remembering' is not acceptable.


You shouldn't have to set up a tracker. She needs to willingly participate in a safety plan, to show she's mature enough for the freedom she desires. 

@BlueFinch    I agree, it sounds like a behavior or discipline problem and not a telephone solution.

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

From one mama bird to another --  you raised a good kid and now she is trying to fly just a bit.  

She will find out about the tracker and then just imagine the conversation.


It breaks your heart when they fly, but they will come back as an adult and still love you.



Posts: 25
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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

I was a good kid as a teenager but forgetful too. If I forgot to check in then I would lose my privledges of going out. My memory improved quickly as a result. The phones today have many apps and options for reminders and there is really no reason to not check in

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

My kid has Life 360 on his phone. It’s not open for negotiations. I pay for the phone. If he doesn’t like my rules, he’s welcome to get his own phone and pay for himself. Without an electronic leash, he’ll find his freedom curtailed.

All his friends have it too. It just doesn’t seem to be an issue with them.
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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

Find my Iphone. It's already on each phone. I used it with my teens. Now that they are young adults (still living at home) and driving to the university, I still use the app to make sure they made it to school or work safely. Oh and when they were teens, I told them if they ever turned off their location there would be a consequence. My son turned it off once and lost the use of our car for a week. He never turned it off again. I think a week back on the bus was enough Smiley Happy

Seriously, we have it turned on for all of our phones. It's just a good safety feature for all of us. 

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

@Kachina624 wrote:

I can envision such a device creating potentially dangerous situations if used by jealous adult boy/girlfriends or spouses to determine their location surreptitiously.  Seems like any company supporting such a program could face serious liability.

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the title.  Sure, there's find my friends but both parties have to agree to that.  Sounds like the OP wanted an app they could secretly put on their daughter's phone to track her.  Once something like that is out there, there is so policing who might use it and for what nefarious purpose.

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

Even though your daughter is a good kid. She is still a minor, and there are rules to be followed. While I was growing up my mother and grandmother were not interested in trying to be my buddy. They were the adults and I was the teenager. It was quite simple. I followed the rules, and received more freedoms because I did what was expected.


Please believe me when I say I am not trying to criticize you.   


I assume that both you and your husband pay for the phone, the car, and the insurance. End of story, either you learn to check in as requested or we will put a tracking device on your phone. 


In my opinion there is no need to hide anything from her. Be up front! Let her know that this is both yours and your husbands expectations. Then the ball is in her court. 

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Re: Undetectable Tracker for Teen's Phone

I guarantee you she will become a VERY ATTENTIVE  texter as soon as she loses driving privileges for not texting her arrivals. Just take the keys away and remind her where the bus stop is. It only needs a couple of days on foot or begging for rides to get that text-the-parents habit firmly instilled.


Having your teen tracked gives her the message that you don't trust her and she has no expectations of privacy, since having her phone with her will mean you get to know her whereabouts at all times. Trusting her begets a trustworthy teen. Tracking her will encourage her to be as elusive as possible. Or just lie?  If you just want to  know she's arrived safely and a text will satisfy that, don't escalate it with tracking and snooping. If you really are confident she's not doing anything wrong as to where she is, then limit your efforts to get her to text her safe arrivals more reliably. 


Show her consequences for not texting and she'll cooperate. Tracking a teenager old enough to drive is an invasion. Don't be so surprised at how much she resents it. And how much she will never ever trust you if you get to sneak some "undetectable" tracker on her phone without her knowledge.

What values are you teaching her? Show her how sneaky you can be and watch how sneaky she will become.