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Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

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Hi Everybody,

I hope this forum is ok to post this Q I have as a new grandma:  We are expecting our new grandbaby to visit us in the next few months, and since it has been such a long time since I had a wee one, I'm wondering what new parents of today tend to take in tow with them when they travel overnight, and what would be much easier for us to provide for them here?  They only visit once a year for a few days, or I'd have a hard time stopping myself from providing a whole nursery, lol; but I do need to watch the budget.  


As new moms yourselves, what would you be glad to have on hand when visiting someone's house for a few days, and what are things you really don't need someone to provide for you?  I truly appreciate all helpful replies, thanks so much in advance!  I'm really excited about seeing the baby, & want to welcome them all with open arms Smiley Happy  Oh, btw the baby will be around 8 months old by the time they visit here.


I already plan to have the diapers in the correct size/preferred brand, baby blankets, toys...what I'm worried most about is sleeping comfort for all of them, & what type of baby-proofing things might come in very handy?  Are there floor mats to put down on a wood floor for a crawling baby/what is best?  I have a big stone hearth that I need to baby-proof, & I'm not sure how to do that with such a big area (about 8 ft wide X 2 ft deep, & 5" high).  Any ideas or tips for me?  Thanks again!

"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo
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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

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If they are driving to visit you they can load up their vehicle.  If coming by plane they can't drag everything along.  Ask them what you can get in advance.  Diapers and formula are essentials.  


Can you borrow a high chair and a pack & play from someone?  Enjoy your visit with your new grandchild!



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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

Hi @PinkyPetunia, they plan to drive, and that's a great idea about borrowing the high chair--thanks!  I have someone in mind who will probably be able to do that for us. 

"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo
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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

You ought to get some type of hearth gate for in front of the fireplace for a crawling baby/toddler.  

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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

A hearth gate...I hadn't heard of that before, but I will make sure to get one.  We won't have a fire going in the fireplace, but it would be helpful to have that whole area sectioned off from the little one.  Thanks for the suggestion!

"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her; still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." ~Victor Hugo
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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

Hi there!  I am a mom of 2 little boys and we have travelled with them often to visit my parents out-of-state, as well as to visit my husband's family in Ireland.  There are a few larger items that are difficult for parents to travel with that may be worth purchasing (especially if you think you will be having more grandbabies!!).  The first is a pack and play. Your 8-month-old grandchild should able to sleep in this at night (you will need to purchase a pack and play sheet), and can play in it during the day like a playpen.  It may also be nice to purchase a plastic infant/toddler tub that the baby can be bathed in (I would check with the parents first though because they may feel comfortable just bathing the baby in the tub while holding onto her).  The last larger item would be a high chair. We usually travel with our own car seats and stroller, even by plane (most planes let you check them), so they probably don't need those.  There are a few other smaller items that you could provide (e.g. -- diapers, wipes, baby wash, baby spoons for feeding time), but again I would check with the parents to see what would be of most help to them, as well as if they have a preference as to brands.  It's truly amazing how much stuff these little people require!! I am grateful my boys are now a little older and we don't have to travel with quite so much gear!  Enjoy your visit with your family and that new grandbaby!  

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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

In terms of baby-proofing, I would consider getting plugs for your electrical outlets and maybe latches for any cupboards that are low enough for your grandaughter to open.  They also make safety "bumpers" that go around coffee table edges, and I think even hearth ledges.  I wouldn't go nuts for a few days though.  Plus, you'll probably be holding her a lot (as much as an active 8-month-old will allow anyway!) and I'm sure you will be keeping a good eye on her!  

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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

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I think a play pen is the easiest and  best thing to have in your home.Baby can both comfortably sleep and play in  it and be safe at all times.and it folds away when not in use and is easily stored.



A folding high chair would be nice  nice too,but many car seats can double for this.


I know what you mean about wanting to buy I did the same with my first grandbaby, 40 yrs ago,my DH had to remind me it was my DD baby and the baby would live in their  (which was btw,right around the )

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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

Baby bottles. An eight month old will likely still be drinking from a bottle.and not a cup. Buy a few in the size and brand used at home. Bottles take up a lot of room when travelling! Since baby toys, high chairs, etc, cannot be sold at thrift stores, now is the time to hit the local yard sales and maybe ask around for friends' castoffs. Plastic toys in good condition can be cleaned and sanitized, especially if they fit in your dishwasher.

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Re: Tips for new grandma ref trip to see us with new baby-what to provide?

  I used my long winter socks on my wee ones that crawled.  After many babies to watch,I learned a booster seat was very good to have.  A big blanket on the floor and my staying down on the floor with them.  We could crawl around and it was easy for me to keep them safe from any sharp edges.  The suggestion for outlet covers is good and inexpespensive.         8 months is good time for a covered cup.  Buy a cute little plate,bowl,cup, and spoon and fork.  Target has cute sets.      Goodwill has lots of useful needed plastic chairs, a play table, etc.  Wash really good!!!  Lots of rags to wipe up floor messes     BUT,   mostly you need your. Enjoyment button all polished and shined!!¡!!!