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Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

. . . is hard, especially when they are so very far away. We won't see DS again until late May. I'm trying to hold it together until we drop him off at the airport in a few hours, and I'm really busy Monday, but Tuesday afternoon, I'm going to come home, not answer the phone, not check e-mails, and sit and watch half-hour comedies I've DVR'ed until it's time to eat dinner! Our youngest cat will miss him too. He's been his shadow since DS has been here. Of course, he's been in and out, with his seasonal job and visiting friends, but the energy level here will certainly change. Smiley Sad

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

Been there girl so my heart goes out to ya.


Mine was 8 hours away but I work FT. I did head up to see him every 2-3 months. I thought he'd left home for good but the economy was tough when he graduated so he moved back home until he found his first professional position. 


Oi vey! Talk about an adjustment........but that's a whole nother thread!

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

Aww - thanks Snowpuppy! He's on the other side of the country, so he doesn't get back much. This year for spring break he's going on a science trip with other students in his major. I told him don't be surprised if Mom shows up on your doorstep sometime this spring! Smiley LOL

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

[ Edited ]

I remember that feeling, my older daughter was only 90 miles away but she might as well have been 900 miles away.  She only came home on vacations.  I do think wallowing in misery is the absolute worst thing you can do.  Instead of vegging out on tv shows, you should keep active and do things that keep you from thinking about and missing your son.  He's back at school, with his friends and his classes, having a great time, you need to think more about that too.  These are the best of times for him!  You made it all possible.  You'll get over the blues in a week or two if you let yourself. 

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .



I felt the way you are feeling, too!

DD was my shopping and talking friend.

However, I had to get a job (DH was laid off) which necessitated throwing my every moment into a new thought process. Although I resented having to work at the time, little did I know it was a blessing in disguise.


My mother used to say "you know you have done your job as a parent if your child can successfully become independent... would you want it any other way?"

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

Oh yes, it's tough.  Been there.  Just remember the roots and wings saying. 

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

Going off to college is a blessing, it is what we all hope and work for as parents.  Of course we miss them, however, there are many children who will never be able to attend college due to death, health, or severe disability.  Those are the parents who struggle with a broken heart.

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

My oldest niece .. who just celebrated her 19th birthday yesterday, January 9th, is returning to Ohio State University, where she is a freshman, today.  We won't see her again until March.  I will certainly miss her.  

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Re: Sending kids back to college after the holiday break. . .

I must have been the world's worst mother.  While I loved when our son and nephews were home for vacation, when they returned to school my husband and I were ready for a happy dance.


When I was in college, I could not wait to return to college after vacation.  It meant freedom.  At home, I worked and had a curfew.  Compared to college life, home life was boring.