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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

Potty training...I wish that was the issue I have with my 39-year-old son. (He stopped wetting himself 30+ years ago Woman Very Happy)


I wonder if he started again after he got married because his wife is a real piece of work.

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?


Kids don't have control over anything except pottying and eating. 


Parents need to stop stressing about both. And don't let the kids know these bother you!


I let my kids take the lead. They felt they had some power. They were stubborn until they weren't. I didn't care and never showed any concern or angst.


At some point, each child and I went to the store and bought underpants - whatever they wanted. But they couldn't wear them until they didn't need diapers. It was all done matter of fact.


Each of my kids made the decision one day and never needed a diaper after that. It was so easy on me. 

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

I first two girl, one boy were potty trained way before their 2nd birthday.  As soon as they woke up with a dry diaper, it was time to train.


My third, a boy took a bit longer.  

I started buying diapers that were too small.  They were not comfortable.   Then I bought underwear that the kids loved....Barbie, Disney Princesses, He Man, Ninja turtles, etc.


The kids wanted to wear them ASAP.  I told them they were only for big girls and boys.  

I then explained a week later that they were now too big for diapers and they did not sell bigger ones to fit them anymore.  They were now big kids.


When I ran out of diapers, I put on their underwear.  My daughter had a few accidents, but my oldest boy never did.  I was in a panic because we ran out of diapers on a Sunday morning getting ready for church.  He stayed dry in church and forever.


My youngest had some issues.  He took longer, but he was trained at about 25 months. He had a few accidents, but not many.


Kids hate to be wet.  Wet diapers feel dry. Wet underwear is wet and cold.


I never used pull ups...just underwear.  They learned quicker that way.  It's better to do this on a weekend when you have time and can stay home. My two oldest learned over a weekend.


Bottles were no issue.  My first got thrush when she was around 18 months old....I threw out the bottles.


My boys never were allowed to walk around or sleep with a bottle, so they never got attached to them.


My children also never used a pacifier.  I received some as shower gifts and threw them out.


I potty trained one of my granddaughters this way too.  Was easy.


As long as diapers and pull ups are comfortable, they have no desire to use the potty.

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

The reward system.  1 little piece of candy was what I used.  We'd also applaud and make a big deal of everytime he did it.  My dad came out of the bathroom one time, and our son appauded him.  LOL

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

We used an M&M and they trained quickly.

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

Although I tried training at two and then at two and a half my son was just over 3 when he finally starting using the potty.  Selfishly, I wanted him to wear Pull-ups to bed because I knew I would be on accident duty if there was one.  He told me three or four nights of wearing them he wanted to wear big boy underwears like Daddy's all the time. He did and never an accident.  

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

[ Edited ]

Both my boys were about two and three years old when they were completely potty trained. I was a full-time SAHM when they were little so I wasn’t in any hurry. Their pediatrician, at the time, said "when they are ready, they will go." He said, "moms, that work usually train their children early and they often have a lot of accidents because, they're  not ready at 18 months or sooner." I introduced the oldest one to the potty. When his diapers were dry all night, I started letting him wear Underoos in the day time. I told them they were big boy pants like daddy. My younger son, who is only one year and one week younger than his brother saw him going and started taking off his diaper and going too! I really didn’t  do much, other than showing them the potty and encouraging them. That was 40 years ago! 😅

"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

All these ideas! I just don't remember that it was an issue w/either of my boys. 

The thing w/the bottle and teeth development is that a fact or another health myth? I never heard of it.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

[ Edited ]

My daughter was slower than my son when it came to potty training.....Not all girls are faster.


I tried everything with her!  We also had the three year old rule for nursery school and she just barely made it. I tried giving treats, gold stars, balloons and I  even bought a new toy that she wanted and put it up on the fireplace mantle so she could see it... you would think that was good incentive. However, the bottom line is they do it when they are ready!


My son on the other hand was very easy. I don't remember what I did to encourage him but he was potty trained at 2 1/2.

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Registered: ‎09-03-2017

Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

My grandson was 3 when he got potty trained. The daycare center needs to lighten up & stop being so ridged. All children are different. It's not right for centers to do that for their own convience rather than what's developmentally appropriate for the individual child. I feel bad for your daughter who is being put under so much pressure. Her little boy is ok. He will very quickly start using the potty when he's ready. Something just clicks & they want to use the potty.