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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

I had to stop and remember.  I think when my son realized his older boy cousins (couple years), were going in the toilet, that's all it took.  He wanted to be like them.

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

My DS was potty trained by 2 all on his own wants.  I bought a small potty chair for him that played "How Dry I Am" and put it beside the big commode.  Each time his daddy or even I would go, we would encourage him also and play the music.  It was fairly easy honestly but I know the challenges lots of parents face.  

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

My great-granddaughter just turned 3 and it's like magic that she wants to wear panties, not diapers.  A month ago she wanted nothing to do the toilet.  She has a potty chair but wants to use the regular toilet.

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

All my kids are in their 30s but I used a little potty that sat on the floor or could transition on a toilet. I would buy packages of yellow rubber ducky targets, you put one or two in the water and it's target practice. Yes, they were paper and biodegradable.....meaning you flush them.
Worked well. My kids would giggle and get the job done.
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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

@on the bay wrote:

@PuppyLoverBob666 ,

Isn't that the way that when it all comes down to it, they almost train themselves at 3.

I agree with all that going on, not a good time to potty train.

Our little guy has to be trained by 3 or he can't attend his daycare.

My daughter is still reading all she can. I think she feels very anxious about it.But I think he will do fine.

I've really appreciated all the suggestions here and I sent her several of them.

@on the bay I can remember the struggle to potty train my dd when she was little.  For us it was starting nursery school and I tried everything from rewarding with treats, gold stars and I even purchased a new toy in full view but not reach for her.  She of course wanted the toy which I thought would be a good incentive but the bottom line it was when she was ready.  Once ready they use the potty and don't go backwards.  She was just over three.


My son who I had next was potty trained at 2 1/2.  Everyone say s that girls are faster but in my case I found that not to be true.  I think it's just up to the child when they are ready.  It's too bad the day care  has an age cut off.  I wonder if they could be a bit more flexible....could they let it go just a little beyond?

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?


So true, each child different and when they are ready. 

Our little guy did just fine. As he does everything-walking, talking, potty, he does it when he is good and ready and then takes off like a train engine born to it all and so proud of himself as we all areSmiley Happy

Of course he is the most adorable little guy in the whole wide world! 

(well of course like everyone's hereSmiley HappyHeart

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

@on the bay wrote:


So true, each child different and when they are ready. 

Our little guy did just fine. As he does everything-walking, talking, potty, he does it when he is good and ready and then takes off like a train engine born to it all and so proud of himself as we all areSmiley Happy

Of course he is the most adorable little guy in the whole wide world! 

(well of course like everyone's hereSmiley HappyHeart

@on the bay Of course!  LOL!  I tell my DD that her 7 mo old baby boy is the cutest baby ever! Smiley Happy

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?


So trueHeartwomanvery-happy:

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

With  my daughters I would let them run naked and put a little potty right in the middle of the family room, of course I did this during warmer months.  They are in their 30's so I don't remember much more.  I remember some 8 hour drives to disneyland and hauling the little toddler potty in my van just in case.


My grandson is 16 months so we will be training a boy soon.

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Re: Potty Training! Any recommendations?

[ Edited ]

My son and daughter were born 1969 & 1971.  I do not remember much regarding the toilet training process...used a small potty chair for each.  Little sister watched her big brother and it just happened naturally. Just remember they were toilet trained by time they went to nursery school at age 3.