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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy


Having a new baby changes everything. We weren't there and don't know why she was diagnosed with post-partum. It's between her and her doctor. I'm not going to judge her.

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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

Sounds more like attention seeking to me, or an pre existing form of depression that was exacerbated by her NOT carrying her own child/twins....?

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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

@bikerbabe wrote:
I’m not always a fan of Chrissy Tiegan’s posts but in her defense she nearly died (hemorrhaging) from a partial placental abruption. I believe the baby lived only a few moments at birth.

My dil and son are facing a potential placenta abruption. They will deliver her in two weeks at 34 weeks and then perform a hysterectomy immediately after the birth. They have a special team of doctors and an extra supply of blood in the OR. They are closely monitoring her. Their last baby was born at 30weeks due to mom's preeclampsia. Both these babies are IVF babies and are miracle babies! We are blessed.

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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy


Sending prayers for healthy mama and baby. 💕
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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

I always thought that it had to do with major hormonal changes in the body after childbirth.  I assume someone could have severe depression after having twins even though they didn't go through a pregnancy since their lives are radically different than before. 


I think it should be called something else though but I'm not sure what.

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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

@Starpolisher wrote:

It must be like the "We're pregnant" thing. When I was pregnant, my husband was not. He may have had his own set of feelings going on but he was not pregnant. His hormones and body were not doing the same things that mine were. I always learned that postpartum depression was due to the sudden drop in pregnancy hormones that affects brain chemicals. But while looking this up just now, I read that even Fathers can have postpartum depression. 🤷🏽‍♀️

The world has changed so much from my generation.

Men go to baby showers

Men get pregnant

Men get post partum depression 

Talk about inclusion!😁

I was friends with another couple who had young children that were the same ages as mine back in the mid & late 1980s.  When the wife had gotten pregnant with her second I can remember her saying, "We're pregnant" and at the time I thought it was ridiculous!


It seems to diminish what a woman goes through when pregnant.

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Registered: ‎07-02-2014

Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

@bikerbabe wrote:

Sending prayers for healthy mama and baby. 💕

Thank you for your prayers. The big day is Feb. 6th! 

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Posts: 957
Registered: ‎07-02-2014

Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

@embgm wrote:

@bikerbabe wrote:
I’m not always a fan of Chrissy Tiegan’s posts but in her defense she nearly died (hemorrhaging) from a partial placental abruption. I believe the baby lived only a few moments at birth.

My dil and son are facing a potential placenta abruption. They will deliver her in two weeks at 34 weeks and then perform a hysterectomy immediately after the birth. They have a special team of doctors and an extra supply of blood in the OR. They are closely monitoring her. Their last baby was born at 30weeks due to mom's preeclampsia. Both these babies are IVF babies and are miracle babies! We are blessed.

          Feb. 6 th is the big day! Prayers appreciated!   

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Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

As I understand it Jamie Chung is the actress.  She said she had tried IVF, she was high risk, then after surrogate was carrying she became so angry and resentful. She had wanted to be giving birth.  Then combined that the twins were born early were in the NIC unit, and a few other things she got what the drs called post partum depression. All the symptoms, but it wasn't acquired the usual way   There are a couple articles online if people want to read. She said she was in therapy before twins were born with stress and anger, then after they were born things got worse.  This is just what I inderstand

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Postpartum Depression and Surrogacy

@embgm   Wishing your family well tomorrow for a healthy, happy baby! 


I had a little boy born at seven months after being diagnosed with placenta previa and having to had bed rest for several months prior to delivery.   He was small and had to be transported to a larger hospital for treatement but everything turned out fine.   That was in 1972 so I can only imagine the advances made in treatment today.


Prayers for you all.  Heart