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It is crazy that some people still think they are in high school. I can understand how it must be difficult for you. It just goes to show that it doesn't matter how old people are they still act like high schoolers.

My advice (I'm old) would be like some have posted here. I'd be nice, friendly toward them. If they invited you to lunch I suggest you go. That way they can't say you have a 'I'm better' attitude.

It's just that you're probably more mature than they are. Don't wait for them to grow up because some people never do.

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On 3/11/2014 Scotnovel said:

Sounds like maybe you feel a little superior and you judged them immediately upon starting to work there and haven't made any effort to even get to kow them. You don't need to participate in their texting, after hours escapades, etc. However, you can be nice to them. Speak to them each morning, compliment each of them on something from time to time (surely there must be something you can find), offer to bring in or pay for a lunch for all to share so you can get to know them better. If you can't do that, bring in homemade cookies or something like that. Currently YOU are the one who is considered not to be a team player so if you can't "join" the team you will be on your way out.

There are always two sides to a story. Maybe they are just jerks true, but maybe you have convinced yourself you are a little better or more professional than them before giving them a chance. I have worked with both types of people. The groups that do nothing but mess around and the person who walked in day one thinking they were better than everyone and wouldn't give an inch. Neither makes for a good workplace.

The four of us opened the clinic together - we have all been working together from day one. I certainly do not feel superior, but I do think chit chat about your personal life and what happened in the bar last night should not be talked about in ear shot of patient.
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On 3/11/2014 narcisse said:

If management has called you on this, take the hint and look for another job; this isn't going to end well for you.

No, nothing has been said - they know that my main priority is my son and they seem to respect that. I didn't mean to sound as if I was standoffish - we go out and eat lunch together often (of course, while eating, I hear about their personal lives). I guess my pointin this matter is that their behavior is not professional. I don't have any plans to leave - I actually really love the job. It is a brand new clinic and the 4 of us started it together.Thanks for your thoughts Smiley Happy

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On 3/11/2014 narcisse said:

If management has called you on this, take the hint and look for another job; this isn't going to end well for you.

No, nothing like that - I try to play well with others. Actually, the office manager and the owner are two of the ones that are acting this way. It's a great job - just wish they would act a bit more professional.

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On 3/11/2014 RetRN said:

Sure you can find another job, but it could be even worse. The cliques are all over--school, church, workplace, and on and on it goes. If you say anything, you are just cutting your own throat. Management ad HR don't want to get involved, so make you out to be the bad guy.

yes, I know better that to complain or voice my concerns. I've been around the block, as they say. Before this job, I had been in a hospital for 20 years - talk about a Peyton Place !

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On 3/11/2014 Scotnovel said:

Sounds like maybe you feel a little superior and you judged them immediately upon starting to work there and haven't made any effort to even get to kow them. You don't need to participate in their texting, after hours escapades, etc. However, you can be nice to them. Speak to them each morning, compliment each of them on something from time to time (surely there must be something you can find), offer to bring in or pay for a lunch for all to share so you can get to know them better. If you can't do that, bring in homemade cookies or something like that. Currently YOU are the one who is considered not to be a team player so if you can't "join" the team you will be on your way out.

There are always two sides to a story. Maybe they are just jerks true, but maybe you have convinced yourself you are a little better or more professional than them before giving them a chance. I have worked with both types of people. The groups that do nothing but mess around and the person who walked in day one thinking they were better than everyone and wouldn't give an inch. Neither makes for a good workplace.

WOW ! You read quite a lot into my message. I certainly didn't walk in one day and feel superior, as you put it. The 4 of us opened this clinic together about 6 months ago.

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It's hard being a mature person in the work place where the other employees are younger and more educated than you are, that was my experience. In our society we don't value our seniors and their experience, so sad!

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Yes, teachers are the worst. When a teacher transfers to a new school the new teacher often goes through this. Bad enough we have to eat the school lunch for the rest of our lives but our colleagues are stuck in 7th Grade cliques and the administrators treat us like we are the students.

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On 3/10/2014 Macallanmom said: I recently started working in a small medical clinic with 3 other women. Those three women ages 43, 41 and 25 have know each other for a couple of years and spend a lot of time "partying" together. I feel like I am back in college with all the catty sorority girls (I was also in a sorority, but had a life outside of it). I'm 45 and no longer have any interest in bar hopping, drinking until all hours and gossiping. All day long, these women giggle, whisper, text each other and make inside joke about their "activities" and besides being extremely unprofessional it is just plain immature and rude ! Has anyone else ever dealt with this type of situation ?

I worked in a dental office just like this and I was fired and told "I didn't fit in" basically because I didn't stand in the hall while patients were in the chairs and goof around with the other co-workers. Very unprofessional and a very nasty female dentist (business owner) was one of them who joined in.

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I worked in an office with three other women. They went to lunch together, took their breaks together and they socialized with each other. I remember one time we had to go to a seminar and, of course, they all went together.