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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

One of the instructors at the gym I go to has two children about 3 and 5.  We are always frielndly and are facebook friends, she posts alot of pictures and videos of her children.  I notice they normally seem loud on the video's but oh well.  Last week I was going into the womens dressing room and noticed a lot congestion in the door way and heard two children screaming at the top of there lungs.  As I rounded the corner, I couldnt stop myself and said "Who's screaming brats are these" Whoops looked down and saw the screamers were the instructors.  I laughed and said guess they forgot inside voices tonight.  She smuggly said, we do not teach inside voices, our children are raised to be caraefree and have fun anywhere  they are.  I smiled and made my way into the the dressing room..Suprise, Suprise guess who unfriended me on facebook, haha, guess she didnt want to hear anyone not like the screaming of her BRATS!! Good grief, what is this world coming too...

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

My two children are 26 & 30 and I never remember them acting so loud & rude when they were little and I don't remember having to constantly be on them to behave properly,  Then again I didn't drag my children everywhere when they were small, I didn't expect them to act like adults, I made sure I was home for their nap time, I made sure they had their meals at the right time, so they weren't  too tired or too hungry when we were out.  I see how parents just drag their children everywhere today, they don't want to change their lives when they have children and they take them where they shouldn't take them and children are children, they aren't adults.  They also don't want to "hurt their children's feelings" by giving them the proper discipline, when they need it.  I never had to yell at my children or spank them.  I'm not saying this because I was perfect or that my children were perfect, far from it. I just didn't put my children in adult situations and expect them to act like adults.  

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Children have changed - they just seem darn right bratty sometimes. And, these younger parents I guess think that their children are all angels and they can not seem to find the time to discipline their own children. They seem to think their kids will just miraculously turn into angels and that they are not the banchies some of them are these days. 

-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

@birkin baby wrote:
Unfortunately,I think it is very common.I am very annoyed by this. Parents don't discipline their kids and let them go wild.

I totally, totally agree.  I'm not sure how these parents don't understand how badly this reflects on them as the parents, not to mention how it makes people feel about their children.  No discipline makes for a very unhappy household, in my opinion.  It would have driven me nuts if I hadn't disciplined my children and had to put up with this out-of-control behavior seen these days.  I certainly wasn't going to make my life that miserable by skipping the discipline part of raising my children.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

[ Edited ]

@NYwoman  Personal responsibility.  Quaint, old fashioned phrase....or is it?  After years of schools pushing the self esteem mumbo jumbo, all are lamenting the fact that the very children that were the recipients of that mantra for years and are now parents.  Surprise!  They are now entitled, self serving adults that really care nothing about your feelings because they are the most important individual and it is their feelings that matter. 

As far as businesses go, perhaps, it should be the managers of the stores that perform the interventions on these darling creatures, not the general public.  That is their job.  And, if they don't, well, time to pick up and move out.  Yelp reviews are always helpful in warning others of a caustic and unfriendly environment. People don't always do the right thing, however, people respond to a diminishing business. 

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Teaching "self esteem" and teaching "license to commit mayhem" are two very different things, and "personal responsibility" certainly doesn't mean foisting the blame for today's standards of conduct on public institutions.


Our kids certainly weren't stifled by being held to a standard of conduct, and when raising "free range" children produces "children" who trample the personal space and reasonable expectation of human comforts of others, the ultimate responsibility lies with the parents who devise and enforce the standards to which the children are held.


Noise levels have risen because of electronically amplified music, and most Millenials have much more hearing loss than most Boomers (or older-than-Boomers). If you are unable to hear how loud your kid is, you're certainly not going to expect them to be quieter. Adults with better hearing than the parents DO find themselves subjected to the noise, and there isn't any mannerly at to change the behaviors of children. 


Just st the way it is.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

Noisy kids don't bother me.  They are kids.  You and I were noisy at that age too.  It's not their fault if they are overly tired, if the parents are crabby at them, or if they have been cooped up all day.  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

@Shop Till you Drop wrote:

One of the instructors at the gym I go to has two children about 3 and 5.  We are always frielndly and are facebook friends, she posts alot of pictures and videos of her children.  I notice they normally seem loud on the video's but oh well.  Last week I was going into the womens dressing room and noticed a lot congestion in the door way and heard two children screaming at the top of there lungs.  As I rounded the corner, I couldnt stop myself and said "Who's screaming brats are these" Whoops looked down and saw the screamers were the instructors.  I laughed and said guess they forgot inside voices tonight.  She smuggly said, we do not teach inside voices, our children are raised to be caraefree and have fun anywhere  they are.  I smiled and made my way into the the dressing room..Suprise, Suprise guess who unfriended me on facebook, haha, guess she didnt want to hear anyone not like the screaming of her BRATS!! Good grief, what is this world coming too...

You should have complained to the gym MANAGER ... hopefully someone did !  Ridiculous.

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Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

I have no patience for bad parenting.  There were 7 or so kids running through a restaurant the other night, no parents to be seen.  Someone could have gotten hurt.  This went on for the entire time I was there.  

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Posts: 33,260
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: Noisy Kids in public places?

You hit a nerve. This a pet peeve of mine. Excuse me for being blunt here. If your kids don't know how to behave in a public place and/or you (the parent) can't control them, leave them home. Yes before anyone jumps down my throat, I have 2 grown kids and 2 grandchildren. My husband and I were respectful of the fact that when others went to a restaurant, they expected to have a nice meal and be able to hear each other talk over crying & boisterous kids/babies. The same goes for parents who bring babies or young children to a PG 13 or R rated movie because they didn't want to pay a sitter or couldn't find one. A crying baby is disturbing and has no business in a theatre. Wait until it comes out on DVD. The worst offenders  are those parents who sit by and continue their conversations and allow their children to talk or scream through a movie or bang silverware in a restaurant. Do I say something to them? Darn right! It is not the child's fault. It is bad parenting! If I'm in an adult restaurant after 6:30, I don't expect a kid at the next table to be jumping around, banging feet against my booth, etc. Parents, take them outside immediately & remove them from the situation. They will learn very quickly that if they don't behave, they cannot have that privilege. Kids hate being excluded almost as much as being isolated from the group. Jeeeez! Sometimes I think today's parents spend more time training their dogs than their children!!