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Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

Does anyone else save greeting cards from their children, grandchildren, close friends or relatives? I have to confess. "I'm a greeting card hoarder!" I still have my baby shower cards for my oldest son, who will be 41 in January! I keep almost every card my children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives send me. I look at the several big boxes of cards (5 of them) and swear I'm going to throw them away but then, "I just can't!" What's wrong with me?!  I know they're just clutter and when I'm gone my sons will just throw them out. Why can't I let go of them? I look through them and tell myself, I'm  just going to keep the special ones but then they're all Special! Anyone else here have this problem? Help please!!!😂🤣😅

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

i have one box of cards....just keep the ones from my 4 grandkids....

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

I am with you.  I have all the cards that were sent to me and the cards sent to my boys' (that were sent to my house at least, as they have moved out now.)  My Mom was a big card sender - for every occassion.  I can't throw any of them out either.  I cherish my Mom's handwriting (she died last year).  She would write that I am a good Mom, etc.  I even save some of the Christmas cards sent to me if they have a special message, beyond just their names.


So you are not alone.  I will likely keep them forever and it will be up to my boys to throw them out.  My Mom saved cards too.  When she down sized, she only kept the special ones to her, which I now have.  I have the last Valentines Card my Dad gave to my Mom.  He died 3 weeks later.   How could I ever part with that?

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

A while back I made a big purge of greeting cards.  I took an afternoon and went through them, reading them, then tossing them.  I kept a handful of some that had touching things hand written in them.  I hadn't looked at many of them in years and I admit I hadn't missed that as a part of my life.  The bundle I kept are in my desk and will look at them once in awhile.  If I don't, it will be easier to get rid of them when I am gone.  


The most precious ones were with my daughter's hand writing when she was little.  Also, my mom's handwriting on cards.  It was sad to see the deterioration of her penmanship because of her Parkinson's.  


Clean them out, Starpolisher!  You can do it! Heart

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

@Starpolisher wrote:

Does anyone else save greeting cards from their children, grandchildren, close friends or relatives? I have to confess. "I'm a greeting card hoarder!" I still have my baby shower cards for my oldest son, who will be 41 in January! I keep almost every card my children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives send me. I look at the several big boxes of cards (5 of them) and swear I'm going to throw them away but then, "I just can't!" What's wrong with me?!  I know they're just clutter and when I'm gone my sons will just throw them out. Why can't I let go of them? I look through them and tell myself, I'm  just going to keep the special ones but then they're all Special! Anyone else here have this problem? Help please!!!😂🤣😅

@Starpolisher I used to.  But after cleaning out four houses, no I am not too sentimental about things any more.  It is just stuff.  If any one is especially beautiful, keep it, or has a message you would enjoy reading in the future, but otherwise, pitch them out.  Limit what you keep.


You are not a museum, live your own life, keep what YOU love, not what someone else loves, and be happy!  You will always have the memories.  

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅


I could have easily written your post. My thoughts are the same as you. 

I look at the cards and say, now, it's time to let go of these, but,I can't, and,I put them right back where they were!

Good Luck to both of us!

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

Oh you are not alone!

I have a box of the ones I love. Every so often I go through and love reading all the special things esp my children, mother and close friends have written, and then I proudly throw out 1 or 2 lol!


I went through boxes and boxes of my mother's cards with my mother. She could barely throw any away but we both enjoyed going thru them And she thought maybe people would like to see what others had written about her, or that people would like to see that she saved their cards. I told her they wouldn't be hurt if they didn't see their cards in there

but she was reluctant. And that is ok!

It was a special time for both of us and though I know that the cards were thrown out after she died this year, I was glad we had those moments together.It meant a lot to her and so it meant a lot to me.


I know not every child will appreciate all these cards, but I'm sure there are some like you, me , and all who write the same that we would. Some are so precious and I like going thru every once in awhile and priding myself on "clearing out" that 1 or 2😄.

And I won't feel bad after I'm gone if my children just don't want to read any and throw them out. I know one or 2 will and the other(s) won't and that is so ok!


I won't save them all but for those I think I just can't throw away, I will keep and treasure and go thru every year.

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

I still have the birthday cards from my 13th BD party along with some letters my DH wrote to me when we were teenagers dating, but that is it.


In August, I cleaned  out a house for a friend who is now in a nursing home.  She hoarded greeeting cards, her old report cards, newspaper clippings, etc.


There were boxes and boxes of this stuff all neatly saved.  I had the task of going through it all and tossing it.


After doing all that, it is now easier for me to get rid of my junk.  Memories are in my heart, not in a box.

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

@Starpolisher  I did a massive purge in 1997-1998. The only cards I kept were from mom & dad and from hubs. Not just their cards but letters too. My dad was famous for writing me letters and we only lived ten miles away. I saw him daily. Lol. he was a pip and wrote nice letters.


I treasure my moms handwriting. Can't part with cards. Too dear to my heart.


Hubs has always sent me the funniest cards. We share a warped sense of humor.Woman LOL Can't part with them either. BTW...we still send each other wacky cards.


They are all my treasures. When I pass they will be dumped for sure. I don't care. I won't be here to witness it. Duh lol. But for now, they are a comfort.


@Starpolisher  If you want to save your cards, just to it. Your home, your rules. No need to get rid of them if you don't want to. Enjoy them.Smiley Happy

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Re: Decluttering greeting cards...I need help or intervention, please! 😅

When we downsized I purged everything I possibly could.  I used to have a large box of cards from my DH over the years and my children when they were young.  I did recycle a bunch of them  (75%)  but kept the ones that really touched my heart.  Also I have saved Christmas picture cards over the years as I think it's thoughtless to get rid of those.


Just do the best you can @Starpolisher , that's all you can expect from yourself.  You may be surprised by what you're able to let go of.