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Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

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I am over the moon about being a new Grammy but this baby is constantly in stomach distress. Daughter just went back to work so he is in my care all day. He is on his fourth type of formula and dr recommend some OTC drops to help with this issue. Really don't see much of a difference. Does anyone have a home remedy or suggestions that will help this little guy. He is 11 weeks old.

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

Congratulations! Gripe water, warm soft pressure on his belly (heating pad on lowest, wrapped in a heavy towel), massage, and unfortunately walking the floors.

Has soy formula been tried?

Both my grand babies, and one of my kids suffered from colic and so did I. Of course it passes in 3-6 months, but it is so hard. I feel for you, hope your daughter greatly appreciates what you are doing for her.

Good luck.

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

One of my kids had colic too.  I gave him soy formula and would put something warm on his tummy at times.   He stopped at 4 months when I gave him a teaspoon of runny baby rice cereal at bedtime.  

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

My daughter was the same way and an older woman in the community told me this remedy and it worked like a charm! You take eight ounces of water in a bottle. Get peppermint extract and you put your finger on the top of the bottle of extract and then tip it up. Dip your finger in the bottle of water and do this eight times. Then add 1/4 tsp of sugar to the bottle.. Shake it up and then give it to the baby. It is called peppermint water and it sounds silly but it is a miracle worker. My daughter loved it and drank it with no problem and it took care of the gassy tummy and colic. My peditrician was impressed. She drank two to three bottles of it a day and as she got older I just cut back on the peppermint and the sugar then she was just drinking water and to this day is a huge water drinker at thirty five.

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

Neither of my daughters had colic, but my nephew suffered from several bad gas episodes due to the babysitter over feeding him.   When my SIL called at her wits end as to what to do, I told her to put one of his blankets in the dryer and I'd be right there.   I picked up infant gas relieving drops at the pharmacy, dosed him, then wrapped him tightly in the very warm blanket.  Once he got warm and relaxed, the med started working, and he went off to sleep.   

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

Forgot to add, pump baby's legs often to help gas pass.  

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

@luvdoodles - oh boy my heart bleeds for you.  My son was colicky until he was probably around three months.  My poor neighbors!  I did the leg pump (the froggy) and warm baths and walked him around .....I also tried dim lighting and quiet.  I nursed so can't help the formula situation. The pediatrician said that he/his system would grow out of it ......and it did. Good luck!

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

My first baby was colicky and just cried and cried.  Eventually the doctor told me that usually (if you can't find any real cause) it is due to an immature nervous system and they will grow out of it.  Ya think?  I still laugh because he was clueless too.  It just magically disappeared on schedule.

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

Ya guess the key is just patience. He will be 3 months next week. What is the frog thing, never heard of that?

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Re: Colicky/Gassy 11 Week Old Baby Boy

Well we all will be waiting for that magical day haha. Poor little guy. Thanks for your help.