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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

Reba: I assumed the m/u was for photos. The reason I thought it was popular was because the woman who did my hair.wore the false lashes and a woman I saw working at the hotel. I went to an outside wedding about thirteen years ago and the brides m/u made her almost unrecognizable. No falso lashes but what looked like professional stage m/u. I did some stage m/u in college and recognized it.


Goldie, do you mean the Twiggy look from the sixties re the waif look? Thanks to Crohn's disease and a small frame I out twiggyed Tiggy. Haircut and all. I had a hard time getting clothes to fit. Today I'd be a 2. But never lost t&a. There is no "waif" look here.


My cousin had a gorgeous figure; probably a 6. Gorgeous shape. Now she's probably a 0 with no t&a. Muscular upper arms take a lot of work.


The gym is very popular here but slim is in but this was extreme.


I have no choice; if I loose more than five lbs I'm not sure my clothes would fit me and I'm to broke to buy any more.


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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

Goldie, if it makes you feel any better; there are different opinions on weight and aging well.

I went to a luncheon on Women's Health sponsored by Teresa Heinz Kerry. The doctor speaking said it was better to be a little heavier than usually mentioned re longevity. EVERY HAND in the room went up asking just how much weight they should gain or lose. The doctor who is doing research on longevity looked like he wanted to run out of the room. He never gave a definite answer.

60 Minutes said the same thing.


My 4ft 8inch mother was always a little plump. She was at her perfect weight when she died at ninety three. Same age as her bone thin sister.

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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

Tzatke, please understand I was not making a wholesale condemnation of those who, through nature, have a delicate or tiny build.  Delicate/tiny builds are beautiful!  My dearest second cousin had one, and I loved the way she described her brother's daughter (who also was small of stature and build) as "no bigger than a minute."


What I am wondering about is the dieted-down-to-muscular-arms-with-no-T&A look.  My first cousin's daughter, who had a slim build before, now has this look.  I think there is some distorted thinking going on -- perhaps body dysmorphia?  (Even in my parish I notice that the wealthier young women have very slim figures -- even after several children -- but have added some artificial breasts.  It is a bona fide "look.")


There have always been those who have inherited a slim build and have active metabolisms.  They were the size 6 or 8 of my era when size 10 was considered an ideal slim size.  Now sizes 0, 2 and 4 hold that spot.  That is what I'm talking about.  There are little stick figures aplenty now with artificially enhanced bustlines.  It is the look, just as the hourglass figure was popular at the start of the 20th century and every other look that has come and gone.


I guess it is a passing fancy.  I wonder what generations to come will think of the look of our time, i.e., the first two decades of the 21st century. 

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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

I hate to think what these women will look like when their bodies are old and their breasts remain perky! 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

Goldie, I was just asking about what's trending in the D.C. area.


I have a small build. 100 lbs. in the Twiggy era when I was so thin was a good fit. But now that I'm sedentary because of health issues it's really tough. Five lbs. on me SHOWS! I'm on three meds that increase appetite so it's tough.


I had to have almost everything altered. They didn't make 0's. When asked how I got so thin I'd say Crohn's disease and people actually told me I was lucky. I NEARLY DIED.


I haven't seen my cousin's wife in years so it was a shock. She's about 5' 6'' and had a gorgeous figure. Slim, long legs, great chest.

She looks like she went from a C/D to a AA.




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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

It's not a look I've seen in the Boston area. People are slim, overly health conscious (the first WF started here; it was called Bread and Circus.) I expected to see kale cupcakes at the school bake sale where I vote.


After one woman started describing all the uber healthy goodies, I said,"When I sin, I sin big" and walked off with a still warm fudge brownie.

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Re: Thank you all for encouragement !

The D.C. area has many who are health-conscious, tzatzke.    There are all sorts of figures here, but there is an emphasis on slimness.  In general, being slim is good for longevity, but like you, when I sin gastronomically, I go BIG.  (And grow big, too.)