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Saw you today and am interested in purchasing the 2 extra blades that are now included in currect electric mandoline (K-45560). Thank you

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I would also be interested in purchasing the two new blades.

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@jacae  @MPahel50  It would probably better to just call Customer Service.

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Registered: ‎04-12-2017

I also saw Meredith this morning mention the possibility of purchasing the new wide cube cut and wavy cut blades  for current owners of the electric mandolin.   I too am interested in purchasing the new blades.   Thanks. 

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Registered: ‎10-09-2011

Would like to purchase the extra blades for the mandoline slicer. Had purchased the previous model.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

I am interested in purchasing the two new blades tooSmiley Very Happy

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Ladies, I agree with @Pook.  For those that are interested in those extra blades, I would contact CS or if you are active on Facebook maybe post something there as I don't believe these forums are monitored for these types of questions/requests.  Since they were mentioned in the presentation that would be your best bet . . . good luck!  Smiley Happy

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Try calling the order operator.

I briefly saw the graphic for it this morning but I don't recall the item number



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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

K-45566 is the  number for the containers but I can't find the extra blades.

May be sold out



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I wonder if the OP doesn't realize that this is a board and thinks it is Meredith's blog or something (?).


At any rate, these are always hit-n-runs so I'll abstain from bothering with advice.