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I bit the bullet and called customer service about the extra blades. The lady was so helpful. She said that they have received numerous calls wanting to buy the extra blades. All the requests have been escalated to management. She said that based on her past experience we should probably see and extra set of blades in a couple of months.


So, I guess, I'll just have to be patient.

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Registered: ‎04-12-2017

I would like to purchase the extra blades for my machine 

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I think all of these one post posters are the same person.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I see you all have the earlier version of this gadget and must like it if you want the extra blades.  I nearly bought one yesterday, but decided against it because I will have some renovations done in my apartment and didn't want to deal with an extra package.  Will try to get one eventually.


I noticed on Amazon that Dash also has one of these machines that looks similar, but has only 100W.  So I guess 150W is pretty good.

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@chickenbutt wrote:

I wonder if the OP doesn't realize that this is a board and thinks it is Meredith's blog or something (?).


At any rate, these are always hit-n-runs so I'll abstain from bothering with advice.

Yeah, and posters 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are all new posters.  I find that odd too.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I agree @NickNack.  Sorry, but I didn't see your post when I submitted my first post.


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Registered: ‎02-17-2011

Meredith gave out an 800 number for the manufacturer and I called...two months ago...not heard back. The gentleman I talked to was very nice. He took my name and number. Said they'd get back to me. Time will tell.