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Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

[ Edited ]

You always love what she cooked! 

There are warm memories.

Who is she?

Mine was my grandmother's housekeeper that made the amazing meat loaf with mushroom gravy.  Mouth watering fried chicken with rice and gravy.  Her vegetables were wonderful to even a young child.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

Mine was my grandmother who made everything good.  She cooked for the restaurant, for the farm hands and for family.  She had assistants when the business grew and as time went by but she was the chief chef.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

My grandmother!  She made these sugar cookies with a fig type jam in the middle in sort of a round pocket, they were delicious!  She also made really good fried chicken and mashed potatoes>

my mother was a good cook also but she had really bad arthritis her whole like and she worked so from a young age i on my own decided to make dinner when i got home from school no internet in those days i just tried from experimenting for the Betty Crocker cookbook.  One time my sister came home to me trying to mash potatoes after I peeled the potatoe...but ooops I didn't cook it lol.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

My mom was the best cook, but my grandma was the best baker.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

My grandmother was my favorite cook. We had Sunday dinner there every week. Everything she made was wonderful, and we could feel the love she put into it. During college & after I was first married, I lived close to her and continued to go to her house every Sunday for dinner. She taught me how to cook, sew, keep house, and showed me what love is.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

My mother.  She could cook anything and make it delicious.  We had many great meals at home.  To bad I didn't take her up on it when she tried to interest me in learning to cook.  I still have no interest in it and can't really cook.


My grandfather died very young and my mother being the oldest of 4 children I imagine had to take over a lot of the homemaking duties for my grandmother so she started cooking very young.


My mother was a very creative and resourceful woman and she could do anything.  Obviously I am not like her.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

my mom for of my grandmothers died when i was less than 2, the other lived half a world away and did not see her often. my great grandmother was still living, but that was the time that all of her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids took care of her!


as i look back, i really appreciate that she was almost always there when i got home from school with the smell of dinner cooking while i sat down to do my homework.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?


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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

Who was she?  Why do you assume it would be a woman?  My father was an excellent cook.  He would recreate dishes that he had in upscale restaurants.  My mother was a SAHM so she cooked every weeknight but dad took over on the weekends.

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Re: Who Was The Best Cook When You Were Growing Up?

[ Edited ]

Well, I grew up with my Gram and we  didn't have household staff 😳


I recall learning to bake with her every Saturday and Sunday dinner in the dining room with a white damask tablecloth.


And nope, she didn 't teach me a thing about housekeeping. And I'm glad she didn't.  I learned to cut Home EC class. 😄