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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

I use tiered risers on a shelf in an upper cupboard for my spices. 


Tones spice company recommends storing red spices (like chili powder and paprika) in the refrigerator.  I keep those on a shelf in the door. 

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

I keep the ones I use everyday in large Lock & Lock spice containers in an upper kitchen cabinet. I keep the smaller, less frequently used containers in a special, built-in spice cabinet. It's about 6" wide and the height of the base cabinets. I buy some spices in bulk from Amazon which I keep in Lock & Lock cereal containers in the basement pantry (AKA the BJ's Room). 

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

We have LOTS of spices--especially Middle Eastern spices and mixes.  Some are in the cabinet to the right of the cooktop, some are in a drawer below that, some are in a spice rack in the bar adjacent to the kitchen, some in containers in the pantry.


Milk Street makes a fabulous Poultry spice mix that I have to order from them!

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

[ Edited ]

Mine used to be in a cabinet on one of those 3 tiered shelf things.  I hated it.  You couldn't see what was on the two higher shelves because they were blocked by the jars on the shelf below.


So, I took as many as I could and moved them to a drawer.  The lay flat and I can see what they are and 50% don't fall off when I'm hunting for the one I want.    I'm happy with this so far.

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

@house_cat wrote:

I bought two of these spice spinners when I moved into my home last year.  I've since decided that I hate them.  They are flimsy and wonky and don't hold as much as I'd hoped they would. I don't have drawer space for spices, I need to store them in a cabinet. 


Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 8.45.01 PM.png


Do you have a good system that works for you?

If so, I'd love to know what it is.

Thank you.


@house_cat : I have very small and narrow cabinets and tried everything. This works for me:5DE46666-7CE4-4C64-9417-C4879B4D52A4.jpeg

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

I have one of those cabinets with a built in lazy susan.  I have mine on the top shelf of it sitting in trays so they don't fall over when I am turning the susan to get something else.

It has worked out well so far.  I have a small kitchen in my townhouse.


@Eileen in Virginia Your "BJ's room" comment was funny!  I do the exact same thing.  DH has several file cabinets that all stand together in the basement which he stores everything in!   I have claimed the tops of them for all my extra pasta sauce jars, canned goods, wasted space!

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

I use a lot of spices & it was a bother to dig through them to find the one I needed for a recipe. So, my husband installed a medicine cabinet on the wall of our kitchen. It holds a lot of spices. They're easy to find because they're all single file. I actually like having the mirror on the door rather than an open shelf. All my spice jars are kept clean & dust free.

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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?


@Sweet Kitties 

I like this idea, but I would probably paint over the mirror with chalkboard paint. As I type this, I'm looking around to see if there's a good spot for it, but I'd need a very large medicine cabinet.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

I have a narrow cabinet on top next to the microwave.  Also a drawer in my antique Hoosier cabinet.  I obviously have too many, they fall out of the cabinet, especially the old bags I got from Penzey's.  I've learned to order smaller quantities, in jars. But they actually sent me a free bag of bay leaves with my last order.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Where do you store your spice jars?

[ Edited ]

I have a corner upper cabinet where DH added a spice shelf onto the inside of the door.  It holds up to 12 jars of spices that I use regularly.  There is not problem with closing the door as long as the correct jars go on the shelves. 


Of course I have plenty more which I have in the first shelf inside the's kind of a mess and I need a better solution.  Being a corner cabinet does lend itself to some challenges.