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When you don't feel like cooking

When you don't feel like cooking, what do you eat?  I am so tired of cooking, especially in this heat.  Any suggestions?

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

I can totally relate as I get SO tired of cooking as well.  A quick and easy lunch or dinner we like are BLT's, especially now with nice garden tomatoes.

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

[ Edited ]

I eat a lot of soups and salads when I don't want to cook, but I also order salmon fried rice from my favorite Thai restaurant.😊



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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

I hate to admit it, but I've eaten a big bowl of Cheerios and milk with buttered toast a couple of times when its been just me for a meal.

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

I’m sick of cooking. We have a lot of tomatoes from our garden. I make a no cook pasta sauce. The tomatoes are par boiled and cut up. Olive oil, lots of fresh garlic lots of fresh basil and parsley and salt. Mix in a non metal bowl. Cover and let set for two to four hours. The only thing to cook is the pasta. We love this.CD7B10AE-30E6-4DFF-9CCC-5EBE3CD180A5.jpeg

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

That sound incredible! 

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

I always keep ripe avocados and bread wraps  in the fridge so I can take any small amount leftover meat, ground beef, chicken, pork, and make a Mexican meal out of it for me and hubby, with guacamole, and some cheese. 

If it was just me alone ( almost never) I would make a big salad with egg, avocado, cheese and any leftovers.


Also, I always have 1 or 2 entrees in the freezer from my local catering place, if I really don't wanna do anything! 

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

cereal...i could live on nothing but cereal......with blueberries or a banana....

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

@Mayflowers  It’s good. But I forgot to add parmigiana reggiano. I get this at Costco.A4A13C75-7A6D-447A-9026-468BAF1111B4.jpeg

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Re: When you don't feel like cooking

I could eat cheaply if it was just me. Cottage cheese with pepper / love steamed vegetable packs in the freezer section / grilled cheese and pickle sandwich / baked potato / soup / leftover pizza / oatmeal 

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