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What's your food presentation style?

As much as I believe that we eat with our eyes as well as our mouths, there are some presentation styles that are over-the-top and turn me off immediately.


For instance - too much decoration:

halloween cake.jpg


or fussy food sculptures:


lob steak.jpg


and simple foods made silly:


spaghetti twirl.jpg


Instead, I'd sooner choose these:


ghost cupcakes.jpg


beef stew.jpg


spag family style.jpg


What's your preference - simplicity or fussiness?

~ house cat ~
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Re: What's your food presentation style?

@house_cat  Your first example, the Halloween cake, would serve well as a party centerpiece.  The others, though, are what I call artsy-fartsy for the sake of being artsy-fartsy.  Woman Embarassed   I don't believe in making any food a challenge for someone to eat comfortably. 


Your preferred examples follow in my line of preference.  I am a firm believer in presentation, I do arrange plates, but it has to make sense.  

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

I like the ones you call fussy. But I wouldn't use that term. 

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

I appreciate all the time, effort and attention to detail necessary to create the "fussy" . . . as for me, I lean toward simplicity - balanced with a little fussy creativity - but not intimidating - it's food after all  Woman Very Happy

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

I would do artsy if I could. I do appreciate the effort it takes to make it do. If my cookies are similar in size, if my pie crust doesn't puff up funny or crack. Yep, that's about my style. I do take great pride if it taste good and will shout it from the rooftops. Okay - I tell my cat and she isn't really interested how it turns out.
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Re: What's your food presentation style?

I love the cake, I only wish I could create something that cool !!

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

For me it's just basic "there it is", eat it or don't.   Never had an interest in presentation.   

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

It depends if I'm making something just for me or others.  I keep it simple with me.  If there were others, I am half way to fussy.

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

When my children were young I spent a lot of time trying to make things look as appetizing (fancy??) as possible to appeal to them.  Lately, however, I do not spend much time on presentation. When they are here these days they really enjoy Mom's cooking - to heck with the presentation.


The one "must do" for me is that I much prefer to serve all food on white dishes.  To me, designs on dishware tend to detract from the appeal of the food itself.  I have a few holiday serving pieces with designs,  but I don't use them for actual place settings.

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Re: What's your food presentation style?

@Perkup Ina would love you. I think she always uses white dinner plates. Also she uses very simple glasses but gorgeous flower center pieces.