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Re: What's cooking in September?

Trucker daughter is home with us, so her request for supper was cube steak n gravy, oven fried potatoes, beets, slaw, sliced yellow tomatoes and cucumbers.   I try to cook whatever she asks for, since she gets so few home cooked meals.   

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Re: What's cooking in September?

Making chicken noodle soup.

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: What's cooking in September?

Good afternoon everyone.  Well, our summer flower baskets have seen better days so they're going out in the trash tonight.  The other day, I switched out the summer accents for fall decor inside and out. I'm wearing my "pumpkin spice" T-shirt and drinking pumpkin spice coffee, so for all intents and purposes, autumn has arrived at our house.  


Yesterday was both a happy and sad day for us.  In the morning there were some wedding vendor appointments with our daughter.  Things went downhill after that. One of our fur kitties had a rough weekend and wasn't getting any better.  We brought him to the vet in the afternoon, after their lunch break, and ended up sending him to the Rainbow Bridge. The staff was so kind and compassionate.  We've always had multiple pets all our lives so this wasn't the first time we've been faced with this sad task - it never gets easy.  Neither DH or I had much of an appetite for dinner so we just had some yogurt and granola.


Today our remaining kitty seems to know something is wrong.  She keeps looking for her friend and coming to us more often for reassurance.  I think we'll probably adopt a new playmate for her in a few months.  

Today's lunch was:



Roasted brussel sprouts 

Sliced heirloom tomato 

Pumpkin spice iced latte


Dinner tonight will be:

Taco Salad

Vanilla chia seed pudding with a few fresh blueberries 

Keto salted caramel ice cream bar 

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Re: What's cooking in September?

I've had a lazy morning, but will be leaving soon for the local grower, to pick up a bunch of mums.  

Lunch today:

1/2 an avocado with everything bagel seasoning 

2 HBE with everything bagel seasoning 

Pan fried brussel sprouts

Sliced heirloom tomato 

Pumpkin cold brew iced latter 


Dinner tonight:

Grilled chicken Caesar salad

Vanilla chia seed pudding with blueberries or blackberries 

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: What's cooking in September?

Chili and grilled cheese sandwiches at my house tonight.   High temp here (southern WV) was 53 degrees; sunny, but breezy and cool.   

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Re: What's cooking in September?

Red top .I'm jealous your temperature. Were in the 70s but very humid. We had leftover chicken salad in pita pocket bread. The other day I made apple oatmeal cookies. There a soft cookie. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.

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Re: What's cooking in September?

Slow-cooker pot roast.

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Re: What's cooking in September?

It's a beautiful day here in Michigan. Sunny and 70 degrees.


Will roast a whole chicken on the grill today. Will have plenty  leftover to make chicken salad.

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Re: What's cooking in September?

Turkey tretrazzini casserole.

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Posts: 22,426
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: What's cooking in September?

[ Edited ]

Yesterday we were on a day trip, ended up eating out.  I had unbreaded Buffalo wings and a salad.  Today we ran some errands so I fasted through lunch and had a larger dinner than usual (OMAD).  I snacked on a hard boiled egg and a couple of strawberries while I cooked dinner.  I made:


Chicken Parmesan Casserole (had some spinach to use up so I sautéed it and mixed it in. (I had a double portion 😋😊)

Roasted Broccoli

Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding with Fresh Blueberries 

Homemade Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting (2)